Chapter 22- Phone Calls

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Third Person

1 Year Ago...

"Hey newbie." A girls hands slammed down on the metal table out on the yard. That Kayla was sitting at by herself eating lunch.

Kayla didn't look at her, she kept her eyes down on the lunch tray, her hand pushing around the mushy potatoes. Her jaw tensed as she saw in the corner of her eye someone sitting down beside her.

"You know she said hi darling. You should answer her back." The boy who had sat down beside her whispered in Kayla's ear.

"I know but that doesn't mean I have to say it back." Kayla only glanced at the black haired boy beside her.

The girl that had said Hey tutted at Kayla. "You know that's rude. I think you don't understand your place in here newbie." She cupped Kayla's jaw in her hand roughly. Making Kayla look her in the eye. The girl had long ginger hair, pale skin accompanied by freckles that danced around her cheeks and along her nose.

Kayla pulled her head out of her grip. "You know your no better then me in this place. Just because you have been here longer doesn't mean you have a higher place."

The boy beside her, let out a big laugh his hand smacking down on the table as the other wrapped around his stomach as he laughed. Kayla's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Have you ever thought of becoming a comedian because that was just funny." The boys laugh had quieted down and his facial expression became a small bit serious.

"Inspiring." Kayla shot him a smile.

"Adam maybe we should remind her of her place? I mean we never gave her the warm welcoming." The girl looked to Adam. A smirk grew in his face.

"Why don't you two fuck off?" Kayla stood up. Making the girl take a step back from the table and the boy named Adam to look at her. He wasn't too panicked more amused and calm.

"Adam! Faith! Leave the poor girl alone." Another girl approached the table. Her white hair was in a messy bun and she wore the same plain uniform as everyone else.

"Genelle stay out of this. Don't forget you still owe me so watch who your talking to." Faith glared at Genelle.

Genelle took a step back from the table, she bit down on her bottom lip. There was nothing she could do to help.

"You know all you did was vandalize something. Your not that special." Faith looked down at her nails checking them out and then back up at Kayla.

Kayla rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. "Your no special either, was Daddy not happy that his little girl got caught selling drugs? Oh boohoo."

Adam stood up, while Faith snapped her attention to Kayla. Narrowing her eyes at her. "How do you know that?"

Faith pulled Kayla closer to her, her fist was clenched around Kayla's collar making their noses nearly touching.

"Your not the only one who knows things." Kayla said bringing her hands up to try remove Faith's fisted up hand off her. When it wouldn't work Kayla kneed her in the stomach. Making Faith grunt and slightly loose grip of Kayla's collar.

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