Chapter 20- Simular Lives

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Third Person

A Year Ago...

"Are you ready?" Wyatt pulled at his bag straps as he sent a quick glance to Kayla. She stared at the building infront of them.

Turning her head to look at Wyatt a growing smile on her lips. "Let's get this started partner in crime."

They walked up closer to the fancy glass building. Both of their eyes peeled out for cameras. Once it was safe, Wyatt dropped the bag on the ground pulling out some spray cans. Handing two to Kayla. They both shared a look, nodding. Pulling up their neck scarfs over their mouth and nose.

"We need to be quick." Kayla whispered to Wyatt who nodded in agreement.

Kayla brought her hand up spraying the glass windows with the cans. Wyatt and Kayla had waited till very late at night to do this, it was currently two in the morning. The streets were quiet and there wasn't a person in sight.


The right side of the building, the glass windows were covered in graffiti. They both took a step back looking at the graffiti infront of them.

"This is what they get from robbing from you." Wyatt turned to Kayla who had a smile on her lips.

"They wanted free art so we gave it to them." Kayla shrugged throwing the spray can up a little and catching it in her hand.

"Should we move onto the other side?" Wyatt looked over to the side of his building. His eyes widening once he caught sight of.

"Yeah I...Oh Shit!" Kayla turned her head to look in the same direction as Wyatt. Her eyes also widening when she got sight of the blue and red lights heading their way.

They both looked at eachother. Wyatt ran towards the bag picking it up and throwing it onto his back.

"We can hide down the alleyway." Kayla started to run towards the alleyway. Wyatt stopped, Kayla stopped in her own tracks when she noticed he wasn't following her. Wyatt pulled a brick out of the bag, Kayla's eyes widened when she realized why he wouldn't let her carry the bag. The revenge was only suppose to be graffiti.

Wyatt lifted the brick over his head throwing it at the window making it shatter in a instant. It felt like everything was in slowmo when the alarm went off. Wyatt turned back around and started to run towards the alley way. Kayla's eyes widening as she started to run herself. They both crouched down behind a bin. It was a dead end and a stupid idea.

"Put the cans in here." Wyatt panted out, the spray can fumes getting to him.

"What the fuck was that?" Kayla whisper yelled as she quickly shoved the cans into the open bag.

Wyatt was about to talk but quickly shut up to the sound of screeching tires.

The police cars stopped outside the building. Their red and blue lights, lighting up the dark alleyway. You could hear the talking of wakie talkies and the sound of car doors opening and closing. The police talked in a low whisper. A security guard who had been working in the building had called them noticing the two teenagers on the cameras.

"Where are they?" The police officer asked one of the security guards.

"They ran towards the alley." He pointed.

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