Chapter 2- You see vandalism, I see art.

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Kayla's POV

As I walk down Denver city. Looking for a good place to be my canvas. I watch as people are coming out of bars and restaurants. Or people just doing some late night shopping.

Walking past night clubs you can hear the thumping music coming out of it. Even if you have your earphones in. I walk past one restaurant noticing an alley way. I stop infront of it looking down it and then looking around me to see if anyone is around me.

I start walking down the dark alley way. You maybe wondering that I could possibly get kidnapped, killed you name it. But I mean who doesn't love a bit of adrenaline.

I inspect the brick wall in front of me. Clean. Good a new canvas. I put my bag on the ground reaching for the colours that I will need. Just as I was about to spray on the wall. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Hey kid!"

I turn my head to see a lanky man at the top of alley way. I squint my eyes trying to get a better image of the man even in the dark.

"Are you doing graffiti?" He asks taking one step closer.

"I would more like to say art. What do you want?" I watch him closely. I am ready to run at any moment.

He takes a step closer. He was now under the small alley way light. A small smile plays on his lips.

"If your up for it I have a job that you can do for me. That way it will be more legal." He smiles.

I look him up and down. This man was tall, skinny and pale. He had pink hair with a lip pericing. He looked harmless. A lot of things can look harmless bit really it's just a diguse.

"And what would I get out of it?" I ask looking him up and down.

"Well you will of course, first get a piece of art out of it and I will pay you." He said.

"How do I not know your going to kidnap me or something?"

"I mean I don't blame you but I own a bar two buildings down. I just want you to do the shutters. You can walk behind me if you want but I promise I'm just here for a piece of art." I looked at him trying to see if there was any possible way he was lying.

"What's your name?"


"Good I'll need a name just incase I have to go to the police." I smiled picking up my bag off the ground. Shoving the spray can into it.

He let out a small laugh. "I'm guessing that's a yes."

I nodded putting my bag on my shoulders. He nodded his head to the direction of the entrance of the alley way. I followed far behind.

As true to his word we stood outside a bar two buildings down. In fact it was a gay bar.

"One second I just need to go inside and pull down the shutters." He goes inside and like he saids the front shutters come down.

He comes out holding a paper and a small card.

"Look, I just thought you would like to see these so you know I'm the owner." He holds out the paper. I hesitantly take it from him.

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