Chapter 30- Worried

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Kayla POV

Walking down the city streets will never get old to me. I clutch my bag straps closer to me as I head up to the familiar alley way.

I hope he would remember me or at least have something I could do. My hand reached out knocking on the steel door. Nothing.

I raised my hand again knocking. This time it was opened. His pink hair had been now dyed blue. A smile grew on his face once he saw me. "Ah look who it is. I didn't think you would show up again." Loud, thumping music could be heard behind him. Filling up the quiet alley way.

"Well you said you would have stuff for me to do so I just thought I'd pop by and take you up on that offer." I shrugged.

"Come on in." Ryan held the door open wider for me. I took a step into the dimly lit hallway.

Following behind Ryan as he brought me through the club. We walked up stairs to a slightly quieter area. The music was now more muffled.

"This in here is one of our private rooms." Ryan opened up a door. Letting me walk in first.

"It's for any parties, so on." Ryan moved more into the room closing the door behind him.

My eyes wandered across the room. It had big L shaped couch up against the wall. A long table, sat infront of it making it nearly a boot. There was a small area for people to dance. A disco ball hung from the ceiling and a balcony sat looking over the main floor where many people were dancing and ordering drinks.

"So what do you want me to do?" Turning back around to look at Ryan. He shrugged.

"Do whatever you like. It can go just on the walls where the couch is." Ryan explained.

"So other then wanting it on that wall. You sure you don't want anything specific?" I asked again just to make sure. I think any artists fear is that their costumer won't like what they made them.

He shook his head. "The wall is your free space. I'll just be down the hall if you need me." Ryan sent me a smile before leaving me to my task.

I looked at the black wall. It needed something colourful to make the room pop. I laid put my cans all on the table. The perfect image came to my head. Who knows how long I could be here for.

Taking a yellow spray paint can I draw the first line. A thing about spray painting is once you mess up there is no really going back. It's not like you can throw your canvas out.

The more lines I spray, the more I can see the image in my head come to life. The colour already popping off the dark walls. The fumes are starting to get strong. I take my mask something I rarely use even though I really should. I think I've gotten use to the smell.


After an hour there is a knock on the door and in walks Ryan. "I was just seeing how you were get...Woah. Kayla this is amazing." Ryan stood wide eyed looking at the piece infront of him.

"That's only half. It sort of looks weird without the other half." I turned my head to the side looking at the paint that is already on the wall.

"It still looks amazing. I was wondering if you wanted a drink or anything?" Ryan asked.

"No but thanks though. Hopefully I'll get the other half down in the next hour or so." I checked my phone. It was going on ten so I had enough time.

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