Chapter 41- Seeing The Lost

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Kaylas POV

Five Days Later...

I was surprised he could even do it. I didn't think he would. The man only knew me for two hours and he was willing to help.

Confusion was amongst the family. I couldn't help the bubble of excitement that grew inside me. The last piece to the puzzle.


Five Days Earlier...

"Sure what's the favour?" Sawyer had stopped in his tracks. Making his way back over to me as if he was intrigued to what I had to say.

"I need you to find something for me. Something I foolishly gave away." I chewed the inside of my cheek. It was by a long shot that he could do it.

"What did you give away?" Sawyer asked.

"A painting. One of Moms. I wanted to make her final wish come through and I fucked it up. All I'm asking is can you find it? Or even find the man who took it from me?" I glanced up at the stars. One shone brighter then the others. She was watching me, she was by my side.

"Yeah just give me a name and I'll look into it." Sawyer smiled. He reached into his back pocket pulling out his phone. Handing it to me.

I typed in the details of what I knew of the man I had given the painting to.

"Thank you Sawyer. If you find this..I mean_" I held out his phone.

"Kayla it's not a problem at all. It's for my family so I will try my hardest to find it." Sawyer took his phone back. His eyebrows raising as he read the name of the person I typed. "I think we might be able to find the painting quicker then I thought." He muttered.

"What?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about it." Sawyer avoided the question. Shoving his phone into his back pocket.

I watched as he gave me one last smile before scurring off into the house. He knew something we all didn't.


Third Person

Later That Night...

"What the fuck are you doing stealing from teenagers?!" The street light was the spotlight on Sawyer as he stood at the edge of a main road. His phone pressed up against his ear.

"Sawyer what are you on about? Why are you even calling at this time at night?" The other man who sat on the other side of the phone. A glass of whiskey in one hand and a phone in the other. Piles of paper work sat infront of him.

"When you got in contact with me you wanted help to build a case. If I had of known the case was against my family I wouldn't of done anything." Sawyer spat. He was beyond pissed.

Sawyer had known Allen for a long time. He had helped Allen with many cases. Earning a good pay check off him. It was Sawyers side business to do private investigating for people like Allen.

They had met in a bar many years back. Both using eachother for advantage. But when Sawyer saw Kaylas record on Allen's desk he never thought anything of it. But now it made sense.

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