Chapter 15

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*Blair's Pov*

The minute I woke up I already felt even more connected to Mark than I ever have. We have officially completed the mating process. Something I never thought I would complete.

"Morning" I tell him. Looking up at him.

"Morning," He says. I stretch and make my way over to the closet to grab a fresh pair of clothing and then to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I finished I went out to look for Mark. The smell of bacon caught my nose so I went downstairs.

"Mm" I say. He laughs but then goes back to making the bacon.

Once he finishes he puts enough in the middle for the both of us along with some eggs. We were talking great until his eyes seemed to fog up.

Mind link.

He sighs and finally looks up to me.

"I have to go, there's pack buisness I have to attend to." He says getting up fast leaving his breakfast.

"Can I go?" I ask.

"No. Stay home Jones is coming soon to stay with you. Don't open for anyone other than him." He says before leaving the house.


In less than ten minutes the doorbell went off. Cautiously I went over to it. I opened it to see Jones.

"Oh hi" I tell him.

"Sup Blair." He says.

"So why did Mark leave so suddenly?"

"Oh something about some rogues entering the border." He says while going over to the tv. I follow behind.


"Yea but don't worry about him he can take care of himself." I nod and turn to him playing some video game.

"How long will he take?"

"Mm maybe a few hours maybe more." He says.

"Can we play monopoly?" I ask him.

"Oh my god, yes!" He yells at me. I laugh as I run to go get the board game.


"You bitch!" He yells at me as I take his 500.

"Not my fault you suck," I say.

"First you take my hotel then my five hundred!?" He yells. I laugh.

I grab a chance card and my eyes light up once I read it.

"Y-your oponent owes you 500" I say trying not to burst out laughing.

"Fucking hell!" He screams causing me to die of laughter.

"I'm broke. Do you hear me Blair?! B. R. O. K. E.!" He yells throwing the board game at the wall. I stay on the floor dying of laughter. That was until I heard the front door open.

I get up quickly and run to it. Standing there was a bloody Mark. I gasp going closer to him.

"Where did you get hurt?" I ask him.

"No where I'm fine." He says wincing as he sits on the bar stool. He tries to take off his shirt but fails. Meanwhile, Jones over there is picking up the board game.

I help him take off his shirt and my eyes fall on the wound. A long scratch mark is dripping blood from his arm to his back.

"Holy shit..this is nothing to you Mark!?" I practically yell at him. But he doesn't respond.

I put both my hands on top of his scratch and concentrate.

"Medero" I mumble to heal his back. Instantly the scratch closes itself.

"There," I tell him much more calmer now.

"Now don't do that ever again!" I tell him slapping his arm, "If something is wrong with you then tell me."

"Alright alright." He says standing up.

"Thanks Jones"

"Sure man" He says to Mark doing that weird bro hug. He then comes over to me and says,

"I want a rematch," He wines.

"Sure. You know where to find me!" I yell at him as he leaves the door, flipping me off.

I then go over to Mark who was laying on the couch.

"So what were they after?" I ask him. Rogues don't just go into pack lands, it's practically a death wish.

"Nothing" He says avoiding my glance.

"Mark." I say sternly.

"They were after nothing Blair, I am the Alpha you are the Luna it isn't your buisness!" He yells. Getting up to go upstairs, but I stop him.

"Listen here Mark, I don't give a crap about how you run your pack. If I am the Luna then I am your equal. I don't cook for you and do your laundy. I'm not a house wife. So you better tell me what it is they wanted before I figure it out myself. Because believe me I will." I tell him using my magic to pull him back to sit on the couch directly in front of me.

"When did you learn that?" He questions.

"My moms spell book." I say.

He nods and sighs. I hold my stare and wait.

"Blair, they were just trying to cause problems" He tell me with his eyes not reaching mine. I give up on him and realize I'm going to have to figure this out on my own.

"Whatever" I tell him going upstairs and into the spare room, leaving him downstairs.

Just an fyi that I'm searching up all the Latin so I don't even know if I'm right. Enjoy!!

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