Chapter 8

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*Blair's POV*

"Blair" I hear a voice say.

"Mm.." I say cuddling closer to the talking pillow.


My eyes shoot open to see Mark shirtless. Dear God, it's like heaven to my eyes. No! Snap out of it Blair.

I quickly get out of the bed and as far away from him as I can.

I can already sense the tension I've caused in the room begin to grow. I look up at him to see his brown eyes switching to black. In a matter of seconds, I'm face to face with his wolf.

Not that I'm scared but I kinda am. His wolf is half my size! Plus it's not like I have any protection with me. I back up once he starts walking closer to me.

"Stay," I say holding my palm out. Once I back up against a wall I know I have nowhere else to go. Closing my eyes once it's directly in front of me, I wait to see what he will do.

I feel wetness on my hand and realize he licked me. I slowly open my eyes to see him lick my other hand.

I pet him softly and he leads me to the closet. Assuming he wants me to get dressed, bossy much.

I change into one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweats. I pull my brown hair into a messy bun and grab a pair of sweats for Mark. I leave the closet to see him sitting there patiently waiting for me. He begins to lead me out the door and into the forest behind the packhouse.

We sit down together facing the river in front of us.

It's very quiet. Peaceful.

That was until I heard the sound of footsteps from behind us.

I quickly turn my head to see a red-headed lady walking towards us. She bows showing her neck as submission saying,

"Alpha, Luna." She says.

"Oh, thank you but I'm no-" Yet I'm cut short from Marks growls.

"Just call me Blair," I say upset.

"Of course" She responds.

"I am Merilyn Jones, and I am a witch just like you."

"Cool cool," I say awkwardly. What can I say? I didn't exactly know there were other witches other than my mom. 

"Well let's get started then shall we?" She says which I nod to in return.

"So show me what you got!"

"Um, I only really know how to heal the fire thing was an accident," I tell her.

"It seems to me that you are an elemental witch. But by the color of your eyes, you can learn to master any spell if you really practice." She says. 

I just nod as she talks to me about all the powers. Finally getting to talk about this is a big weight off my shoulders. I didn't really know what I was capable of and this just proves to me how much I can be capable of.

"You're aura is one of a powerful witch maybe? Was your mom a witch by chance?" She asks me. I close my eyes trying to remember some memories of my parents.


"Mommy!" I scream at my mother holding my arms out to her.

"I want a snowman!" I tell her excited for my new snow friend.

"Of course my angel," She responds laughing quietly. With a swift motion of her hand, a small snowman barely bigger than me grows in front of me.

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