Chapter 25

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*Blair's POV*

Merilyn and I have talked to many other covens and now we have a full army waiting for the coven to come fight us.

Mark has been pestering me about the baby for a week now. He doesn't want an abortion.

But I don't want a child.

"Mark I really don't want a kid" I plead with him as were eating lunch.

"Blair, I am so sick and tired of this stupid fight. You are having this fucking child. This pack needs a heir. You can't expect me to run the pack my whole life!"

"No but you can get someone else to!"

"No Blair!" He yells at me. I don't even look up at him. I drop my spoon and leave the house. I can feel the fire burning the grass with each passing step.

I didn't even want a mate.

And look at where I am now.

Running was something I enjoyed.

The freedom.

I lay on the grass looking up at the blue sky.

Although I was alone before, I would do anything to go back to those days.

When I didn't have a care in the world.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard it, footsteps.

To many footsteps..

And they were all coming from the otherside of the border.

The coven.

Mark the witches are here, I mind link him.

Hide now, he says.


He thought.

I go to the top of our highest castle and watch all of our pack members ready for battle.

All of the witches and pack army are ready to fight for me.

Even Mark is standing in the middle.

"How dare you step on my property" Mark says to the twenty witches across him.

"We asked for Blair, and we never received her. You must suffer the consequences"

"You will never get our Luna"

"Pathetic," She says before starting a spell. To bad she's to slow.

"Rigentem tempus" I whisper. Then they all froze. Including the witches.

Well that was easy.

I jump down the castle and jump around the soldiers until I find Marks gun.

To be fair, I've never used a gun. I always preferred old fashioned armory. But I'll give it a shot.

Aiming the gun at the first witch, I let go of the trigger.

The ringing in my ear stays but her body falls.

I go around each witch until they are all on the floor drowning in a pool of their own blood.

Truly, they should have seen something like this coming.


"Tunc tempus" I say.

Instantly, everyone comes back.

"The hell-" Mark starts until he see's me standing there with his gun.

One look at his face and I can practically feel the anger rolling off him.

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