Chapter 19

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*Blair's POV*

I woke up to an alert sounding that someone was near the border. I grabbed my bow and arrow and ran out of the house. By the time I looked up it seemed as if it was already 10 am. I was surprised I had gotten any sleep at all last night.

When I finally got to the border I was surprised that I didn't know who it was before getting there. My wolf awoke from its slumber in the back of my mind and it was as if I was meeting him again for the first time.


But, I'm not stupid. I know what he did so I will stand my ground. I push my wolf into the back of my mind again and cross my arms looking at him.

Didn't I tell Jones five days at most? I swear when I get back he's gonna hear it from me.

"What do you want?" I ask him not letting the border drop.

"Blair..I'm so sorry" He starts but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"I don't care please leave me alone. I gave Jones direct orders and he couldn't even follow them." I sigh angrily at him.

"I made him tell me where you were..I was worried sick"

"You should be"

"Blair I'm so don't understand how much I regret it. I wasn't in my right mind and I am so so sorry" He says trying to enter the border. Successfully he walked straight through it just like any other Alpha.

Screw Alpha's and their power.

He walks closer to me trying to get into my presence but I shoot him back lightly with another wave of my hand.

"Blair..please," He says to me. It hurts because I can hear how his voice cracks. His desperation.

"No," I tell him stepping back further away from him. At this, he drops to his knees and I freeze. I have never seen him give in to anyone, not only this but bow to anyone. He is an Alpha.

"Blair...I'm so sorry" He cries. I couldn't help it. No matter how upset I was at him I couldn't help how guilty I felt.

So I dropped my hand and let him run towards me pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

I couldn't help but cry with him as we hugged.

After what seemed like an hour I pulled away from him. I got up and shook the dust off my pants. We didn't say anything and enjoyed the presence of each other. Then I slowly began my walk back into the packhouse with Mark hot on my tail.

I grab my backpack, bow and arrow, and spellbook and leave the room. Then together we shift and make our way back to the house.

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