Chapter 46: Transformation

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"I'm excited!" Calla squealed.

"You're not even the one going," Syd reminded her as she walked in and out of her closet, a different outfit in her hands each time.

"I know but what if he asks Ivy to be his girlfriend, or tells her that he loves her?"

"Yeah, that's a point," Sydney started as I placed my phone on charge and flopped down onto her bed.

I got home over an hour ago and on my way here I got a text from Jace saying he was going to pick me up at 5pm. I still had plenty of time to get ready, well not really but they both insisted on me getting ready now. Something to do with me never being on time which wasn't true.

Well, maybe it was kind of true, but I wasn't going to admit that to them.

"What are you and Jace?"

I stared blankly at Sydney. My brain couldn't properly comprehend the question. "Humans?"

"Are you serious?"

"I didn't understand the question, I zoned out."

"What are you and Jace? Like, do you have labels or..."

"Oh." I frowned. Of course I had thought of this before now, I just didn't think it mattered too much. We both knew we were committed to what we had.

"There are no labels but we're exclusive," I told them both with confidence.

"I know what you should do," Cals excitedly announced in a raised tone, "If he doesn't ask you tonight, you should ask him. You don't have to do the typical boy-asks-girl shit. I mean, some gender roles like that are stupid."

I thought about it for a second and she did have a point. I had never waited for someone to do something for me before so why start now?

"I might actually do that, you know."

"Do what?" Sydney shouted from her filled closet. It was like a jungle in there. There were clothes everywhere, and I mean everywhere. That's why I wasn't helping her, you couldn't even see the ground.

I waited till Syd was back in the room with us before answering, otherwise I would have had to repeat myself multiple times because she wouldn't have heard me. I think she needs to get her hearing checked but she doesn't listen to me. "Ask Jace to be my boyfriend."

She carefully laid out a check, pleated skirt with a black turtle neck jumper and sheer tights. She picked them back up, shaking her head, "Wow okay. That actually is a really good idea."

"I know. I'm full of them," Calla joked, flicking her hair over her shoulder before sitting down next to me.

I pushed Calla's shoulder playfully, "Shut up."

"Wow. Rude much?" She sat back up and I chuckled. When we stopped messing around and looked up, Syd was stood in front of both of us, hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised. What's she going to complain about now?

Cals turned to me, her eyebrows raised as she bit back a smile, "Looks like we're in trouble."

"Like naughty children," I sniggered and got clothes thrown at my face. I took them off me and immediately turned to Calla. Her hand was over her mouth as she tried not to laugh. My mouth fell open as my head slowly moved to reveal Syd still standing in the same spot as before, a proud smile on her lips. "They're your clothes. Go get changed," Sydney demanded.

When Confidence CollidesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz