Chapter 11: 2:58

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It took me a while to realise what was going on.

The sound of knocking echoed through the house and woke me up. Once aware of my surroundings, I sat up and glanced towards the window.

It was still dark.

I checked the time on my alarm clock, it was 2:58am.

What the hell was someone doing knocking on the door?

I sat up, leaning back on my right arm with my palm facing down, my other hand rubbed my eyes as I waited, listened to see if the knocking persisted.


I laid back down and get comfy again only to be startled by the ringtone of my phone. Ugh. Why was someone up and ringing me at this hour? I am never in the best mood when someone wakes me up on a normal day at a normal time let alone 2:58am on Wednesday morning.

I begrudgingly answered the call and put the phone to my ear, not bothered to check who was calling.

"What?" I said as soon as the line had engaged, my voice slightly hoarse after sleeping.

"C- can I come in please?" I grunted slightly in reply and hung up the phone before getting out of bed. I didn't recognise the person's voice. I stood there for a second, wondered if it was a good idea to answer the door to someone that early in the morning.

Probably not but only people I know and somewhat trust have my phone number, so I grabbed my night robe off the back of my bedroom door and continued making my way down the stairs.

Annoyed, I quietly opened the door, ready to pick an argument with whoever had the audacity to not only ring me but get me out of bed unnecessarily early.

I turned the door handle and opened the door when someone instantly pushed past me into the house.

They took their shoes off and ran upstairs into my room.

What the actual fuck. I stood still in shock of what had just happened. Someone actually just barged through the door, ran upstairs and into my room. It was way too early for this shit. I charged up the stairs, entered my bedroom and noticed the shower running.

Fuck it, I opened the bathroom door.

Jace was sitting on the edge of my bath, looking down at his sock covered feet. I stood in the doorway waiting for him to acknowledge me but when he looked up at me, my heart broke.

He looked terrible. He had dark circles under his mesmerising blue eyes, they were slightly red as a result of crying. His normally styled hair was carelessly poking out in all directions. You could tell he hadn't slept properly in a while.

He looked.... broken and my heart ached for him.

A few weeks had passed since I had last saw him when he suddenly left. I hadn't heard from him since then, no phone calls, texts, me bumping into him, nothing, so it was a massive surprise as to why he was here.

He left that day because he got a phone call and it seemed to worry him then. Maybe that had something to do with why he was here now.

"Are you okay?" I didn't like seeing him like this, like he was hurting.

"I'm sorry for waking you up and barging in like that I just... I just needed to get away and the first place I thought was here." He ran his hand over his face. His voice quiet and rough, probably from crying or shouting.

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