Chapter 51: Reassurance

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This is a longer chapter so get ready!

Jace POV

"Where are we going?" Ivy impatiently asked me for the one hundredth time.

"We're almost there now." She huffed, crossed her arms and turned to stare out the window in retaliation. I laughed at her blatant restlessness. I knew she hated not knowing what was going on, but it was funny winding her up.

I quickly glanced towards her window and grinned. I knew she would catch what I did as every time she looked outside, she was just looking at me in the window. She shifted slightly in her seat and hid her face from my view.

I easily pulled the car over and parked. I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved so my body was turned towards her. She had all my attention... always.

Her eyebrows drew together, creating a crease in between that I wanted to rub away with my thumb. She looked at my now moved seatbelt and then back at me. It was as if I could hear the cogs turning in her head as she put all the pieces together. "What are you doing?"

I swallowed the smile that's constantly on my face when we're together, "What do you mean?"

"You've stopped driving..." I nodded my head. "So, what are we doing? Just sitting here?"

My eyebrows rose, my lips between my teeth. Regret took over her face as soon as she realised what I was thinking. "I mean, we could do something else then just sit here." I watched as she took her attention off me and planted it on the dashboard, her slender fingers gently wiping away the collected dust.

"You should really stop asking questions like that if you don't want an honest answer." I took my eyes off her and stared out in front of me.

"Uh huh. And what makes you think I don't want an honest answer, hmm?" My eyes widened, my head turning quicker than necessary and saw the seriousness on her face. I thought I had imagined what she had said, but the way she looked at me told me otherwise.

This girl drives me crazy.

I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and cupped my hand to fit her jaw perfectly. She leant into my hand, placing her own on top of mine. My thumb ran over her soft bottom lip as our gazes stayed connected.

My hand was moved so she could kiss the palm of my hand, sending warm shivers racing up my arm. I took hold of her wrists and made sure her hands were on my shoulders as I leant in and kissed her.

Everything about her was perfect. And so was the moment. I wanted it to last forever.

Our foreheads and the tip of our noses touching, I saw something - a memory or emotion - flicker in and the out of her eyes. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath seconds before she rubbed her nose against mine.

She opened her eyes and stared at me carefully. Ivy created distance between us as she sat back in her seat, away from me. I wasn't going to let her get completely away, so I laced my fingers with hers. She looked out her window before turning my way and smiling. I grinned back, it was hard not to.

"What was that about? You made me nervous," I joked, bouncing off her jovial mood.

She let out a boisterous, unguarded laugh, "I know I did, that was the point. I wanted to see if I still have an affect on you."

I was caught off guard with the last remark. Does she think she doesn't affect me? She literally has me in the palm of her hand. But why would she think that? Was it because of yesterday?


I opened myself up to her completely, something I haven't done in years. I mean, I had no reason to until now. No one has meant as much as Ivy does to me. And I want her to know that, hence why I told her I love her last night.

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