Chapter 50: For real this time

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As my eyes fluttered open, I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and slowly came out of the daze I was in.

Where was I? Oh yeah, Jace's house.

I sat up in bed when I realised I was by myself. I leant back on my forearms as I glanced around the room. It was then that I noticed the TV on but subtitles on, assumably so Jace could watch TV without waking me up. Especially as I fell asleep early last night.

My eye widened and my hand shot to my mouth in shock of what I had remembered. What he said...

He told me he loved me.

I felt my chest tighten at the realisation as small butterflies escaped and flew around in my stomach. But just as quick as those butterflies escaped, I caught them all and put them in a box.

Yesterday was... an eventful day. An emotional day which means Jace was just probably confused and tired. That's why he said it - he doesn't mean it, not yet. That's such a big thing for someone to say. I mean, if my own Father didn't love me enough to stay, why would Jace?

I groaned and ran my hands over my face as I got out of bed and into the bathroom where I started getting ready.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth with a toothbrush Jace had left a note on, telling me to use this one as it was new. I quickly jumped in the shower and it was only when I came out I realised I had no idea where my clothes were.

I weighed up my options and wrapped the towel around my body. My hand holding the towel up against my body whilst I searched for my clothes. I took the opportunity to open the curtains.

Just as I was about to walk away, I noticed a car pull into the driveway. Standing in the window, I observed as Jace slipped out the car door.

He was wearing basic jeans and a hoodie, but he still looked amazing.

The more I watched him, the more I concluded that last night, what he told me, was definitely because of the high emotions. And I was okay with that.

Just as I was about to walk away after watching Jace grab bags from the boot, he glanced up at the window. He looked at me as if he knew I was staring, and I wasn't even surprised. He stood there smiling up at me as he almost dropped in of his bags. His cheeky grin never failed to put me in a good mood.

This stupid, goofy man meant more to me than I realised.

And no matter how much I tried to deny it, deep down a small part of me was wishing for what he said last night to be true.

It didn't take Jace long to find himself stood in the threshold of the bedroom.

"Hey, you're awake," he stated in a very happy tone. He had this cute excited but nervous vibe about him, like a puppy.

I smiled at his obvious statement, "Looks that way. Do you know where my clothes are?"

His eyes instantly dropped and got caught on staring at the towel that was wrapped around my body. His gaze lingered there for a few seconds longer than normal, making a slight blush crawl up my neck.

He cleared his throat, "Uh yeah. I'll go get it now." He turned around and rushed out the room and came back with my bag in his hands. I thanked him and got changed.

I slowly wondered into the kitchen as Jace busied around, packing stuff into a bag. He didn't know I was stood there, so I took the opportunity to... observe the way he moved.

"Hey, princess."

Shit! I had been caught.

I walked up to him and hugged him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder. I glanced at the counter only to realise he was now packing up.

"Hey, bubs. What are you doing?" I voiced my question and kissed him on his shoulder. His body tensed for a spilt second but soon relaxed.

Jace got ahold of my arms that were wrapped around his waist and took them off him. Disappointment flashed in my stomach as he did this, however, it was erased in an instant when he turned around, now facing me, and lifted me up onto the counter top behind him.

I sat to the right of where he had just been working and had to bite back a giggle when both his hands lightly stroked my thighs as he stood in between my legs.

That wasn't normal for me, I never giggle.

I felt giddy.

As his large hands continued i gently caress my thighs, Jace looked at me as a playful grin flashed on his face.

I guess I wasn't the only on feeling that way.

His right hand moved from my thigh, making my leg feel cold at the suddenness of his movement. The pad of his thumb ran across my bottom lip. I resisted the strong urge I had to pull him into a kiss - I needed to get my head straight.

My mind felt foggy with Jace. I cleared my throat before speaking, "You didn't answer my question."
Even with my attempt with clearing my throat, even I could hear the difference in my voice.

Jace took a small step back. He bit his lip, drew his eyebrows together and looked up as if he was thinking. A giggle bubbled from my throat at his antics.

"Hm," Jace returned his vision to me and smiled, "I guess I'm going to kiss you right now. That okay?"

"Sure. I mean, I guess I'll let you kiss me," I joked but was interrupted by Jace placing his lips against mine.

After a while, Jace leant back and clapped his hands, "Okay, you ready for today?"

Caught off guard at the quick change in subject, I ran my hands through my hair at an attempt to tame it after it had been ruffled up moments before. I jumped off the counter and blinked, trying to think what Jace had just said. "Uh yeah?"

"You don't sound too sure," he chuckled.

"What are we doing today? For real this time."

He spun round and looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner, "Was that not real? Do I have to do it again to show you it for real this time?"

I rolled my eyes and placed my hands flat against his chest as he moved closer to me. I smiled, "You know what I mean."

Jace's eyebrows shot up as he silently laughed, "You're looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like a mother. Wanna be the mother to all my babies?" He asked, finishing it all of with a wink. What was I going to do with him?


"Of course. I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else." My heart swelled as I watched him. "Our children would look so cute," he muttered as he wandered off.

Again, what am I going to do with him?

(A/N) This is a filler chapter buuuut I feel as if it was necessary. Like, we needed to see if and how the dynamic between the two of them may have changed after the previous chapter, you know?

We needed some nice, lighthearted, quality time of the both of them together, something we've all been missing

Also, 50 chapters?? I wasn't expecting it to be this long but I only have a couple of things left now.

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Thank you for reading :)

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