Chapter 16: When?

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Another long one so get comfy

"You brought your motorbike?!"

"Well, I remembered you saying about how you have always wanted to go on one so I thought tonight was the perfect time," he told me producing a toothy grin that make my heart flutter. He carefully placed a helmet on top of my head. I intensely watched him as he slowly put it on.

"Perfect," he grinned standing back and looking at me up and down and I knew my cheeks had changed colours involuntarily. We stood there just watching each other.

There is tension between us. It is obvious and I am not going to deny it. Not only is he extremely attractive but he is a genuinely nice guy. He listens to what I say to him and tonight just proves that. It means a lot to me, you know, for someone to listen to me. I don't necessarily like it when people make big gestures, I prefer the little things. People listening, remembering what you said, being honest, stuff like that.

I like him, a lot, so I often have to hold myself back from acting on it. I don't know if he feels the same way about me and I don't plan on finding out if the feeling flows both ways.

He took a small step towards me and took hold of my left hand. My heart began to pound against my chest at the simple gesture. My eyes darted towards my hand and I began overthinking.

What is this supposed to mean? Does he like me too? No, he is just being polite, right?

I looked back up at his perfect face and was met with a knowing smirk. Shit! He knows what I'm thinking. He took another slight step towards me, making my breathing pick up. He stood extremely close to me just watching before he opened his mouth.

"Shall we go then, gorgeous?" Jace asked his voice sounding rougher than usual.

"Yeah, let's go," I hardly breathed out. He had an effect on me that no other person has before, and he knew it.

He turned his body to face his bike and walked towards it with his hand still in mine.

I was stood with the bike on my right. He let go of my hand but instantly placed both of them around my waist. My skin lit on fire underneath my jumper at his touch.

"I'm going to lift you onto the bike," he informed me. A boyish grin spread across his face and he effortlessly lifted and sat me on his elegant black bike. He reached for his own helmet, fixing it onto his head and sat his large build of a body in front of me. Jace started the engine and the bike started vibrating underneath us.

"You ready?"

Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my chin on his shoulder. "More than I have ever been."

As I sat with my chest pressed up against Jace's back and my arms securely wrapped around his waist, I felt as if nothing could ruin the moment. I felt his muscles contracting under my arms and I watched his strong arms take complete control of the bike. I peeked over his shoulder and observed as the speedometer sat fixed on seventy.

The adrenaline rush that I had once imagined was nothing compared to the real feeling. I sat up straight, fixing my previously slouched posture, and saw the world fly past. The chilly afternoon wind whipping past my ears and through my hair made me feel the most alive I had ever before but the adrenaline rushing through my veins wasn't enough.

I slowly untangled my fingers and released my hands from each other. First, I moved my right arm to my side and then my left. Jace's body tensed slightly at this but relaxed when I held onto his waist with both hands.

When I get an idea into my head, it is hard for me to get rid of. So, when a dangerous one popped into my head, an internal fight inside of me started.

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