Chapter 42: Becomes a blank canvas

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Darius had passed out in the back seat and was snoring heavily.

When I found him, he was completely wasted meaning I had to practically drag him up the stairs and into the car. He was still with it, but he just wasn't being cooperative, especially when he insisted on laying across the backseats. I told him it wasn't safe but I was just got ignored.

It was funny seeing him drunk. He was more laid back than normal, none of the sarcastic or cocky comments were made. It's like the alcohol made him more upbeat and stripped those overconfident walls down. 

He even gave me his jacket after seeing how soaked my clothes were. I had the heaters in my car on full blast, attempting to keep somewhat warm.

I used the slip road to finally exit the highway. It was a left turn and I may have accidently taken it sharper than I would have liked. Darius' body moved as I turned the corner, making his head bounce against the door. At first, I thought he was just going to sleep through it until I heard a groan.

"Hello, sleeping beauty," I joked as I caught a glimpse of his hand moving up to his head through the back mirror, "Have a good nap?"

"Piss off," he whispered.

I slowed down the car, "I could just drop you off here if you want? I mean, we're almost there but you could always walk the rest of the way," I suggested. 

I was driving in the complete opposite direction to where my house was and if I was completely honest, I would have much preferred going straight home and getting out of these disgusting clothes. But I didn't because I don't break promises.

"Okay, okay," he surrendered and climbed into the passenger seat, knocking my arm in the process, "I'll drop the attitude." He slouched into the seat, stretching the belt across his body.

"Thank you," I chirped, purposely dragging out the end of the word in a slightly more raised voice. He definitely had a hangover, a bad headache also, so this was my way of winding him up.

He groaned again, making me laugh knowing I had succeeded. "Please don't do that. My head," he complained even more. Maybe the alcohol wasn't completely gone, he actually said something polite.

"Woah. Did you just say please? I didn't know you had it in you," I chuckled to myself.

He sighed, not retaliating as I thought he would have. Instead, he asked about me. 

He was still one-hundred percent drunk.

"You seem happier. I'm assuming it went well with Jace?"

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, "Yeah," I started, dragging the end of the word out, "I suppose so."

"So, everything is sorted between you two?" He questioned and I suddenly became suspicious. I felt hesitant to answer and he must have sensed this as I spotted him staring at me from my peripheral. He didn't say anything, he just stared. I killed the engine of my car outside Dar's house. I took my seatbelt off and repositioned my body so I was facing him.

"Uh, not sorted but better I guess?"

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He laughed but I couldn't answer. I didn't know what to say. I knew that things were better, we were talking again and I had chance to tell him every single thought regarding what he did that had popped into my head, but that didn't mean everything was sorted. There was a lot of stuff that was still unsaid. 

"I don't know," I forcefully laughed with him, "It's kinda complicated. Like we spoke and I said everything I needed to, but I still feel as though he's holding stuff back." I had zoned out looking out the window whilst speaking, not realising that Darius was carefully watching me. When I finally re-entered the room, I saw the concerned expression flooding Dar's face.

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