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Charlie Gray had accepted my reaction towards the pool incident and hadn't pushed me, if anything things were back to normal. Since my mom was gone almost every night I just stayed over at Charlie's, after the first few times I felt a little guilty for staying up late giggling with Charlie while her mom tried to get some sleep for next day but Charlie had assured me that her room was sound proof from her middle school instrumental phase.

When Charlie Gray didn't go to school which was quite often given her illness I went straight over, today being one of those days.

"Gia!" Ms. Gray called, hustling over to me and giving me a light hug.

"Charlie and the others are out back"


"I'm leaving for a trip now, take care of her for me" A squeeze of a shoulder and she was out the door.

Besides Kate I'd never met any of Charlie's friends and to say I was nervous would be a drastic understatement. My hands had gone slightly clammy and I could feel the familiar churning of my stomach setting in.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and hurried over to the bathroom, content on sitting there until the pills served there purpose or until I hurled. I didn't like new things, especially not without notice it made me feel trapped and the thought to just leave was heavy on my mind.



"Yeah" I could hear how weak my voice sounded even to my own ears and I felt slightly stupid for my inability to cope with change and meet new people.

"Let me in"

I didn't have enough energy to fight so I did as she asked and she got in and closed the door back behind her.

"What's up?"

I stared down at my shaking hands trying to find a way to tell her that new things scared the hell out of me but decided I would sound dramatic and chose to pretend like nothing was wrong instead.

"I saw your face when you ran in here, are you anxious?"

How could she tell what was wrong with me without me even saying a word.

"Phichit gets the same way, he hurled before all of his races it was awful" She chuckled.

So not only was I meeting Charlie Gray's friends but atleast one of them swam in the Olympics with her, great.

"Hey don't freak out, Phichit's cool they're all cool" She slid down to eye level.

"If you want you could just go up to my room and I'll get rid of them, tell them you're not feeling too well"

I felt horrible for making her even consider ditching her friends for me.

"It's fine, they've been here since morning anyway" She tacked on in an effort to make me feel better.

Sacrifices, I had to make sacrifices for this friendship so I heaved in a shaky breath before sealing the deal.

"No it's fine, just give me a couple minutes"

"You sure?"

I wasn't.

I nodded.

"Okay" and then I was alone again in the bathroom waiting for the pills to settle and calm my nerves.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ