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I spent the remainder of lunch staring at Charlie who was pretending like she didn't notice but the ever present smirk on her face told tales.


Her entire plan was to make me flustered and then not do anything about it.

I'd never been remotely sexual with anyone other than Charlie and the urge to try and tempt her was well, tempting but I knew I would pay for even trying by a tenfold.

"What're you thinking so hard about?" She teased, hiding her smirk by taking a bite out of her apple.

I chose not to respond instead, stabbing my fork into my pasta.

She laughed under her breath before sidling closer to me and trying again.

"Can I have a bite?"

"If you wanted it you could've ordered it" I grumbled back with a mouthful of food.

"Don't be like this, want me to say I'm sorry? "


"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to make you frustrated" Charlie cooed at me softly, pressing a kiss to my temple and sliding a hand down my hair.

Still, I tried to stay mad at her and went back to eating my food.

"It's just one weekend, you'll survive. Who knew you were so horny" She laughed as I smacked her across the head to get her to shut up but it only succeeded in making her laugh louder.

"If you don't stop laughing right now you'll never get to take my clothes off ever" She shut right up, turning to look at me in disbelief and shock and I went right back to eating my food, feeling satisfied with myself. When my words finally registered, Charlie began laughing.

"I almost didn't want to say anything to you because of how accomplished you look right now, good job" She said after finally sobering up.

"But don't forget you're the one who took your top off last time, I didn't do a single thing"

She was right.

The thought had me sinking miserably into my seat.

"If you're actually upset we can go right back to the room and I can do whatever it is you want me to" She had already started getting up from her seat before I tugged on her arm.

"We're on a school trip" I reminded.

" The thought didn't seem to cross your mind before"

"I-" there was really nothing I could say to try to defend myself but I was still willing to try.

Charlie raised her eyebrow at me before leaning back in her chair.

"We're only here for two days yeah?" The promise behind her eyes had my stomach fluttering. This was her way of telling me that come monday she'd make good on every dirty thing she'd ever said to me.

"Yes" The words coming out in a rush of air.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now