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Charlie Gray had invited her friends over to swim but as she sat on the pool chair fully clothed, I knew she had no intention of doing it herself.

I waved at everyone in the pool before going over to sit at her feet on the chair.

She watched me as I set my things down before taking my shirt off.

I fiddled with my bikini strings for a bit before she was easing down the chair to help me. Her hands worked softly at them and when that was done, they settled on my shoulder, rolling the muscle there.

"Hi baby" She whispered softly, pressing a sweet kiss to my shoulder that had me shuddering.

Charlie had started calling me pet names a while ago but this was by far my favourite and she used it every chance she could to tease me.

"Stop, not infront of your friends" I whined, feeling embarrassed already.

She chuckled, fitting herself snuggly against my back and bringing her arms around my middle in a hug.

"That's the first thing you say to me after not seeing me for an entire week?" She mused, going back to kissing the place where my shoulder connected to my neck.

"Charlie" I pleaded, looking around to make sure no one noticed and they didn't. Vanessa was on the phone on the opposite end of the pool, back turned while Phichit and Dakota were frolicking in the water.

"Okay I'll stop" And then she was pressing a single kiss to my cheek before laying her head on my shoulder, her arms still around me.

"How was your week?" She asked, head tilted slightly to see my face.

"Good, I've finally finished everything for school"

"Mm that's good" She hummed, hand rubbing softly along my abdomen causing my muscles to clench but I didn't say anything.

"What about you? "

She gazed down at me.

"What about me?"

"Well, how was your week" I questioned.

"Nothing without you, I missed you" She rubbed her head on my shoulder.

Saying simple things like this still made me blush, in fact almost everything she said did.

"I missed you too"

"Yeah?" She smiled at me.

I nodded.

"Why don't you show me how much you've missed me" She whispered sinfully down my ear and laughed the more my face heated up.

After debating with myself for two seconds, I turned slightly and gave her a chaste kiss.

She didn't look too happy when I pulled away.

"Gia Kim what was that?"

"A kiss" I shrugged.

"I don't think so"

"Well I do" And I crossed my arms to show just that.

"Turn around Gia"

"No" I refused.

She tickled my side slightly and even though I laughed I still didn't turn.

"Gia" She warned but I remained adamant, feeling slightly excited for how she would get her way.

She didn't say anything for a while but then her hand was gripping my jaw, forcing me to turn to her before her lips descended onto mine in a bruising kiss.

I caved, thinking she would keep it innocent because people were around but when I pulled back to breathe and she deepened the kiss instead,  I knew that wasn't the case.

I could never hold out long on her, always giving in to what she wanted so when she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer, I stopped fighting it.

I cringed when the first spritz of cold water hit me and then Charlie Gray pulled away to give her cousin the nastiest look.

"That's so fucking disrespectful, you invite us over and all you're gonna do is make out with your girlfriend! " Vanessa scolded Charlie, spray bottle still facing us.


"Fuck off" Charlie scowled at her, drawing me even closer to wipe at the water that had fallen on me.

She didn't deny it either.

Even though Charlie was the one she addressed I still felt bad, not very used to showing pda.

"I'm sorry " I called out softly.

"You're fine, Charlie just doesn't have any manners" Vanessa smiled at me before glaring at Charlie once more.

"Look if you don't like what I do in my own backyard with my girlfriend then you can leave"

Vanessa scoffed.

"I'll telling Aunt Nancy!" She called but walked off in the opposite direction of the door.

I stared at Charlie, watching as she took her shirt off to wipe at the water still on me. When she was sure I was dry once more she looked up at me.

"What?" She smiled, fixing my hair back into place after she had grabbed it so roughly before.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned.

"I'm not seeing anyone else, are you?" She raised her brow in question.

"No" I denied.

"Good" and then she went right back to draping her arms over me.

We were silent for a long time as I thought about it before Charlie was flicking me on my forehead and I whined softly to get her to stop.

"It's not rocket science, stop thinking so hard"

"I can't help it" I mumbled, turning around to hide my face in her neck while she laughed at me.

"You're being mean" I hit her arm weakly and she laughed even harder.

" I'm sorry" she sounded anything but.

"No you're not"

"If you let me I'll show you just how sorry I am" and then I was walking off to the pool, leaving her to laugh at me from the sidelines.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now