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I pulled up in front of Charlie Gray's house the next day at 4. I'd went home to shower and change after school before coming here.

Ms.Gray had seemingly heard the loud rumble of my ancient jeep and drew the curtains from a window in the kitchen to see what the commotion was. She came to open the door after I had made my way up to the entrance of the house.

"Gia hi" Ms. Gray said, drying her hands.

Be cool.

"Hello"I stepped past her into the house and she closed the door behind me.

" Charlie's upstairs, she's not doing so well today though "She called, heading down the hall.

I took my shoes off at the door before making my way upstairs.

Like most days, Charlie Grey was an unrecognizable lump of sheets and blankets.

Her room seemed colder somehow even though the ac was always on the same temperature.

"Charlie? " I called out from the door.

Slowly, she stuck her hand out and motioned for me to come closer.

Much like the day before, I could immediately tell her breathing was labored even though she was facing away from me.

"Hi" I said softly, slowly sitting on the bed so I didn't disturb her too much.

A slight nod of her head the only indication she had heard me.

"Your mom said you're not feeling well"

Another nod.

"I can leave if you want" I offered.

No response.

"I'll come back tomorrow then" I said, easing off the bed slowly.

" I hope you feel better soon" after caressing her shoulder slightly I turned to leave only for her to grab onto my wrist.

"Don't leave" soft words uttered in the quiet of the room.

I laid beside her this time.


We stayed like that for a long time, laying together with her hand still clutched around my wrist. I'd hoped that her breathing would get better but after some time had gone by, I realized it wouldn't.

Her face was scrunched up, exhaustion prominent in her features. Honey blonde hair a curtain across her face. Covered up to the neck in blankets.

Looking around, I spotted her brush sitting alone on the window seat and carefully got off the bed to grab it before returning.

Gently, I cradled Charlie Gray's face in my hands before resting her head on my lap so I could brush her hair easily.

Humming a song I hoped would make her feel calmer as I worked on the knots and tangles in her hair.

She fell asleep not too long after and I stayed with her until it was dark outside before I quietly made my way back downstairs.


I came back the next day and somehow she'd gotten worse. She didn't speak at all or even move.

I'd met Cara here, checking her before she left quietly to another part of the house.

I could tell Charlie Gray was awake because when I lifted her head into my lap again her eyelids fluttered but remained closed.

Her hair was just as tangled as it was yesterday so I quickly got to work with detangling it. When I was done I braided it up and made a loose bun with the same scrunchie.

I came to see her everyday for an entire week before I showed up on a Friday and she was sitting at her window seat.

"Hi" She smiled at me.

Really short but I needed to get something out.

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