extra pt.5 Olympics

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Charlie got me a special pass to see her swim in the Olympics.

My girlfriend was swimming in the Olympics.

She came out, blowing me a kiss as she went about fixing her googles and rolling her shoulders out.

I had seen her swim in the relays already, the team taking gold each and every single time day after day but now it was just her.

The excitement in the stands was palpable and when everyone dove head first into the water, the cheering was so loud it brought me to my feet.

Her start was a little slow but she made up for it in the second half of the race, swimming harder than I had ever seen her and before I knew it the race was over.

She won GOLD.

I was crying, big ugly sobs leaving my chest and pushing into the curve of my palms, covered by the loud cheers of the crowd in the arena.

This was all she'd ever wanted, to get back to her goal and I was so incredibly happy that she had managed to accomplish everything she ever wanted.

And looking at her now solidified the fact that I wanted to see her happy, everyday for the rest of my life.

My hand clutched tightly over the box in my bag, anxious to get her alone.

We had never been the type to go out, preferring instead to stay at home in each other's company, so when Charlie came to me after her medal ceremony wanting to just go back to the hotel, who was I to deny her.

" I have a couple more races over the next two days and after those we can celebrate with everyone and explore the city" She promised, backing the car out of the parking lot hastily.

She was practically buzzing, dazzling smile on her lips and an equally as brilliant gleam in her eyes.

"Congratulations baby" I clutched her hand to show how happy I was for her.

She rubbed my head fondly, eyes still on the road.

"Thank you"

The Olympics this year were held in Bangkok, a city Charlie was oddly familiar with, having been numerous times with Phichit and the others.

The hotel we were staying at wasn't too far away but traffic was heavy this late into the evening.

"I didn't tell anyone I was leaving, coach is gonna have my ass. We were supposed to go out to celebrate later" She murmured.

"Oh, maybe you should go" I didn't want her to but anything to make her happy.

"Are you kidding? And miss hanging out with you and eating room service? No fucking way" She laughed happily.

It had been almost four years since we first got together but in times like this even though we had settled into our relationship, it still felt like we had just started dating. Being with Charlie Gray was amazing like that.

"When you put it like that, sounds kinda lame" I mumbled.

"Babe, just spending time with you is the highlight of my day, every single day"

"You're so cheesy"

"Mmm fuck, let's get a cheese pizza with extra cheese" She cackled loudly.

"And apparently hungry" I turned to the view outside the window, slightly impressed at the night life of the city.

When we finally got back to the hotel, Charlie collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh, goofy grin still stuck in place. I sat next to her and she got up suddenly, digging around in her sports bag before brandishing the fresh set of medals she'd won today and slinging them over my neck excitedly.

"You look spectacular" She draped her arms around me in a hug.


"M'starving, order some pizza and some other stuff, I'm gonna shower" She walked off to the bathroom peeling off her clothes as she went.

I ordered the room service setting everything up for us and taking out the box, my fingers shaking as I went to sit in front of the bathroom door and when she opened the door I stared at her, words frozen on my tongue.

"I can't propose when you're naked"

"I was just about to ask you to join me so we could have shower sex"

We stared at each other before bursting out laughing. Charlie walked over to the bed, rifling around in her bag again and pulling out a navy blue box.


"I can't believe you tried to propose before me" She laughed, coming back over.

"Let's open them together" Her smile was infectious and I quickly found myself mirroring her expression.

We counted together before opening the boxes and if I wasn't crying before I sure was now.

"I love you" Charlie blurted out, as if she couldn't help herself.

"We're doing this bit while you're naked" I sobbed happily.

"As soon as I put this ring on your finger you're gonna be naked too"

She grabbed my hand, putting the diamond on my finger and I did the same to her, climbing across the space to hug her.

"Do we have to say anything else?"

I shook my head.

"This is perfect"

"Can we have sex now then?"

I laughed happily, nodding anyway.

"Yeah, let's go"

The food was cold by the time we were finished.

Not me forgetting to add a little note. Anyways y'all this is the end, like actually.

I never imagined that this story would reach so many people and make me so happy at the same time. Don't be afraid to interact or whatever, I love you all.


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