Pressure Point • Leah Clearwater (a.)

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MAIN OC Deputy Carmen Diaz

LOVE INTEREST Leah Clearwater


TIMELINE New Moon - Breaking Dawn

FACECLAIM Michelle Rodriguez


"You may be stronger and faster, and generally more athletic, but I've got enough fire in me to kick your ass."

Being the top deputy in Forks Washington came with its challenges, but none of them were meant to involve the supernatural. When a string of animal attacks began to plague her town, Carmen Diaz was charged with leading the investigation beside Sheriff Swan.

While conducting a search party for two missing hikers, Carmen was caught unprepared in the woods by the red-headed vampire responsible for the killings. Bullets are no use against the supernatural, and in that moment she thought she was going to die. That is until a wolf stepped between them and saved her life. The moment her eyes met that of the wolf, an unbreakable bond was formed. Carmen couldn't be left to tell the world what she saw, and thus she was pulled into the world of the supernatural.

Carmen finds her self irrevocably connected to Leah Clearwater and the pack of shifters she belongs to. But the attack that set her on this course was only the beginning, and more and more attacks are happening in Forks. As a policewoman, Carmen took an oath to protect innocents, she just didn't know what she'd be protecting them from...

NOTE - Some things will be changed about the twilight series to correct some issues that I have with it ie. The empty shell of a character that is Bella Swan, and Jacob's short hair, plus the creepy pervert vibes of Edward

 The empty shell of a character that is Bella Swan, and Jacob's short hair, plus the creepy pervert vibes of Edward

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