Making It Hard For Me

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Alaia's POV

The drive into town and to the hospital is quiet and peaceful. Thankfully, Marco is able to read the situation that i don't want to make any conversation.

I am trying to make sense of what Rhea said about Nick in my head.. ..What has Nick done that i should be scared off? There was something in her eyes that made me feel like she wasn't bullshiting me.

I should probably talk to Nick about this and i will, but his proximity distracts me, and i need some clarity to sort out my own feelings first. Plus after everything that came out last night, i really feel like maybe i am not quite the right fit for him. 

If only my heart will agree.


After the hospital visit, i am not yet ready to go back to the ranch, so Marco and i walk around the town for a while, and make light conversation, as he shares some of his childhood memories here.

Soon, we get to a park and i ask him to leave me alone for a bit. After much convincing, he gives me an hour and goes to a coffee shop near the park to wait for me.

'He will chew you up and spit you out like dirt when he is done with you, mark my words', Rhea's words echo in my head making me sigh.

After a couple of more minutes, i notice there is hardly any other people around. 

It rained last night, so the air feels fresh, and everything looks green and i can't help but feel rejuvenated.

I wonder if this is Nick's kind of scene. I can't imagine him siting here carefree, and enjoying the nature. He doesn't seem like the outdoor person.

I can't believe it hasn't even been two full months since we met. It feels like i have known him a long, but at the same time i don't really know much about him at all.

Most of what i know about him came from Marco, Lola and now Rhea.

"You know what you really are, a 'temporary business project', that's what he called you. As for the sex, you are not the first woman in his bed and baby girl believe me, you wont be the last"

I have to admit Rhea's words hit me really hard and i am afraid that she is right, afraid that we won't really work, but at the same time, at this point there is no going back, my heart is already his and i want to see this through wholeheartedly, without holding back any part of me, whether mental or physical. 

What i need to do is talk to him and share my concerns and fears with him. He already committed to making things work with me, and i promised to trust him, so It wouldn't be fair for me to start making assumptions, or let other people whisper in my ear, thereby clouding my judgement.

So now i have decided not to draw any conclusions or overthink anything right now, before talking to him first.

Thinking about everything that has happened between us recently, a warmth feels my heart and I know i want to fight for this relationship, and now more than ever, i can't wait to talk to him.

 I wonder what he is doing right now.

Nickolas' POV

I'm just coming back from a run around the ranch grounds. What should have been a few minutes, turned into almost two hours, due to the fact that i didn't sleep much last night and i needed some time to clear my head and kill off this restlessness.

Walking out of the bathroom into the bedroom after my shower, i bump into someone making me drop the towel i was wrapping around my waist on my way out, in the effort to steady them and keep them from falling. 

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