Chapter 26 - Hunted

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A/N. Picture of Angelo above.

Nickolas' POV

Nine days, 12 hours and....45 minutes since i last saw Ally, and despite myself, am dying to see her. I turn my head and look at Rhea, fast asleep on the plane next to me.

We argued again, about how i am acting different. I thought i could just go on as if Ally never came, that Rhea and i could just carry on like before. But i can't ignore it's Ally i want to hold, kiss and caress. Rhea has noticed that too hence the fights.

We are heading to Russia tomorrow, picking up a doctor who has agreed to examine Ally's eyes. I discovered from her boss, she was looking into that and saving some money for it before we married. So i went and found the best doctors to look into that for her. Nothing is for sure, so we will see how its goes.

I have been keeping tabs on her through Lizzy and Lu, but told them not to tell her about it. I also asked Marco to stay close to her when I left, incase mom or anybody wanted to try something to hurt her again.


Alaia's POV

Today, i decided to start going to work again. Mr. Lee told me to take as much time as i needed after he heard about my father's illness, and ofcourse knowing i just recently got married, he insisted i take my time, and was quite surprised i even want to continue working there still. So i decided today was the day i went back, and I don't care if Nick agrees or not anymore.

"Are you going to take me or not, because unless i am a prisoner in this house, i am going to go one way or another." I finally ask Marco, after many minutes of arguing about why my going to work is a bad idea.

He was discussing some business with Allesio when i interrupted them both.

"Dad" Marco turns to Allesio for support.

"Ally my dear, you don't need to work, especially not at that place. What ever you need, this family will provide for you. Didn't Nick make available financial resources to you?"

I sigh in frustration

"I am not doing it for the money. By the way, not everyone can be millionaires Allesio, just because its a humble business doesn't mean there is no honor in it. Plus I love what i do there...well?"

"Perhaps you should wait for Nick.. I doubt he will agree to this, and it's billionaire, not millionaire" Allesio corrects me.

I guess arrogance runs in the family after all.

"I will take that as a 'No'. I will find my own way then. Thank you for your time" I say as i walk away with Lizzy.

"Ally wait. C'mon, don't be like that." Marco yells after me, but i ignore him.

I call Sienna to pick me up, and ask Lizzy to take me to the entrance of the estate. She wants to refuse, but i gave her no choice.

We wait for twenty minutes before Jude showed up to pick me instead.

"Where is Sienna?" i ask, i wasn't expecting him.

"I was with her when you called, and She owes me one, so she let me come instead" He explains.

Well, i really do need a ride and can't be picky.

"Ok....Lizzy i will see you later"

"I will come with you.. Please. If Mr. Nick finds out i left you alone, he will fire me"

"He won't fire you, i promise.. I will be fine.. Plus i will call Lu to join me, ok. " She agreed upon hearing that and goes back inside as we drive off.

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