You're Stubborn But Am Worse

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Alaia's POV

"I need your help, please" Nicole repeats standing up to stand opposite me. She actually looks disturbed and it scares me a little bit.

I stare at my phone as it rings again, Nick is calling for the third time. I will call him back in a minute, for some reason, i want to hear what she has to stay.

"Make it quick, i have things to do" i try to rush her.

"Well, it's......I wouldn't be asking you if i wasn't desperate...Its just that, my brother, Noah, he got into a car accident the other and on top of that, the police... they found drugs in his car but i know the drugs aren't his, he doesn't drugs.

It's been three days now since he has been held at the station but we haven't been allowed to see him and he hasn't even appeared in court to be charged yet. We don't know whats happening to him. Please i need help to find out whats going on with him  if he is ok or not" she says, starting to get teary.

Then we hear a firm knock on the door and one of the men Nick put outside for security comes walking in.

"Mrs Bishop" he nods at me and turns to Nicole.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but i need to ask you to leave." he says with a straight face and when i raise an eyebrow at him he quickly adds.

"Am sorry, but Mr Bishop asked me to make sure Mrs Bishop here leaves"

"Thank you Eric, she will be leaving in a bit if you can just give me a minute with her"

He hestitates. "I don't think Mr Bishop......."

"I'll deal with Mr Bishop. This is my house and i will take care of this" i say more firmly almost feeling bad for coming off a bit rude.

After one final look, he turns around and leaves but doesn't close the front door all the way into the frame. i push the door closed and turn to Nicole.

"Look, i don't understand why you are telling me all this, why don't you ask Aaron for help"

She shakes her head "Aaron is angry with me right now,  he is trying to punish me, he won't help me. I tried to talk to him anyway but he won't help Noah, they never got along after all. And you know the rest of the family won't help me either."

"Have you tried Nick" i ask faintly somewhat already knowing the answer.

" He won't pick up my calls or let me meet with him." she confesses.

"I don't see how you think i can help you.... " i begin to say but she cuts me off.

"Nick has more influence than you realize in Hartford, and you in turn, as his wife. Am afraid if Noah stays there any longer, he might die. We don't even know what state he is in right now, the last i spoke to him, he had just gotten beaten up by the other inmates and he was scared shitless. Now they won't even let us see him or even talk to him. Please, you are my last option, my last hope." she begs, tears now streaming down her face and i can't help but feel sorry for her, feeling my own eyes swell up.

"Fine, then i will talk to Nick for you, am sure i can get him to help you"  i suggest and she shakes her head again.

"He won't, he always scolded me about how much we spoiled Noah and that one day his recklessness would get him in trouble. He won't help him, besides i have already tried him" she continues to cry softly.

"Look am really sorry,  but i don't see how i can possibly help you then?"

"I need someone influential to help me talk to the police, you are Nick's wife, if only you can come with us to the station am sure you will be able to find out something. Once they know who you are, maybe they will tell us whats going on. Please, please, help me" she sits down on the sofa in tears again.

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