You're No Angel Either

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Alaia's POV

"And you are?" the officer asks.

"Am Marco Bishop, and this, is my brother, Nickolas Bishop's wife." he says with emphasis.

"Excuse us for a moment" he adds and turns to me, pulling me aside.

"Care to explain what you are doing at a police station. What is going on? And where is Nick?"

"Am here to help out Nicole, and Nick is not here"

"Jesus Ally, does he know you are here"I shake my head in response. He narrows his eyes at me as if scolding a kid that just dodged from school.

"Ally?....Fuck! why the hell would you do that" he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I told you, i wanted to help Nicole, no one else was willing to do it" i say in defense.

"How did you even get here, is Martial with you? Anyone? " he asks looking around.

"I sort of sneeked out, no one knows am here, except for Rita" i state and he gives me a flabbergasted look in return. His reaction is now making me feel even more nervous about the consequences of my actions later.

"Fuck!  fuck, fuck. Then why the hell did you call me here? You want to create more problems between me and Nick? He is already pissed off with us as it is. Shit!

"Am sorry, i was feeling very nervous and scared and you're the only person i could think of." i say feeling guilty as he just stares at me still visibly angry.

"So what exactly are you supposed to do here? What the hell did Nicole do.....Wait, since when are you and her friends?" he asks, the muscle in his jaw ticking.

I brief him about Nicole's brother and he rolls his eyes.

"C'mon, the sooner we get out of here the better" he says, turning back to the officers.

As we near the counter, another officer who was watching the exchange approaches us.

"You are Nickolas's Bishop's wife?"  he asks rhetorically and extendeds his hand to me. I watch his hand drop when i don't take it.

"Am detective Andres Brady, please come to my office and let me see how i can assist you."

"Come with me this way, am sure i can straighten this out for you. Rhyes, i will take it from here" he gestures to the other officers and motions for us to enter his office. After we talk a little, he takes Nicole and her mum to see Noah.

After about 15 minutes, they return.

"I will personally, follow this up, and make sure things move along. " he says after another brief chat and we stand up to leave.

So it turns out that this situation is due to someone trying to punish Noah or make an example out of him for whatever trouble he got into, he must have messed with the wrong people, but hopefully, they can put a stop to it now.

He looked really beat up, when Nicole and her mum saw him am told, but atleast now they have given him access to medical care and also changing his holding cell, tomorrow he will appear before a judge and they will take it from there. This whole process took about two hours from the time we arrived till now.

"Thank you so much Alaia. You have no idea how greatful we are" Nicole and her mum say for the millionth time as we drive through the traffic.

"Don't mention it" i reply. Am glad i could help after all. i really am.

Nicole and her mum are taking me back home. Marco couldn't take me back because he has somewhere else he needs to be, so he asked a police friend of his who was going off duty to drive us as a favor to him, it is unnecessary but he insisted.

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