Chapter 3 - Grasping For Air

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A/N. Picture of Nickolas'office

Nickolas' POV

So Dad decides to use my office for the meeting with Miss Crowe because its closer to the board room where our meeting was held. I let him sit in my chair and i take a standing position close to him by the window overlooking the city.

Soon, there is a knock on the door.

"Come in" i shout, my back to the door.

Salva walks in first announcing the visitors.

I turn around from the window and take in the two girls walking into my office behind Salva and quickly study them.

One, taking more confident steps has blonde hair and grey eyes, with a taller and slender figure, she is pretty and wearing a short black dress. Definately more of the type am usually attracted to. Okay.

The other who must be Crowe's daughter, walks slightly behind the other girl in more careful hesitate steps, but not too obvious if you don't pay attention.

As i take in her appearance i realise this is not what i expected Steven's daughter to look like. I dont like the man, and automatically expected his daughter to be unattractive and repulsive.

This girl is neither.

She is beautiful in a very innocent kind of way, if there is ever such a thing.

Looks like she isn't wearing any make up either. Honey brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail with bits of it falling on her face. Small buttton nose, full lips, with just a dash of lipgloss on them. They were definately made for kissing.

She is about the same height with the other girl, maybe just about shorter,  and definitely curvier in a good way. In tight blue jeans, white shirt that is slightly tacked in the front of her jeans and a blazer, her look should be very simple but comes off as sexy instead.

It's amazing how her simple outfit shows off all her curves unintentionally and innocently. I don't like innocent looking women because i usually find them to be abit boring, and too reserved. I prefer my women to be confident and a little forward, i don't have time for the long chase, but this one has my attention for sure.

She is not nothing like what I expected her to be, and definitely has sparkled my interest.

I give them my full attention as they move closer towards the desk.

"Ms Crowe" Dad says looking at the other girl.

As she starts to correct him and introduce them, I can't help but glance at Crowe's daughter again, studing her further now that she is at a closer range.

She has some freckles on her nose and a few more spread out on her cheeks, Her eyes are a dark emerald color.

"Salva, can you bring the two ladies something to drink. What will you have" I hear my father offer and I zone out again.

Having finally settled on their preferred refreshments, i lean forward towards my desk.

"Ms Crowe, what can we do for you?" My father asks.

"Well,,, i..huh... I wanted to talk to you about my father.." she clears her throat and focuses her eyes towards his voice.

"Am listening."

"I know he must have messed up at work and i understand you firing him and all, but..but I was just hoping to convince you not to send him to jail" she speaks stummering a little, licking and then biting the corner of her top lip at the end, before letting it go again.

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