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Yeosang's POV
- An hour later
We are sitting in the car and it's sorta comfortable, boarder line awkward. However, I can't seem to focus as my mind wanders to process everything.

I can't believe I did that with him, and why did I just let it happen? How is it one minute I decide that I'm over it, ready to forget everything? The next minute I'm pinned down yet not fighting it, actually wanting more! What's wrong with me!?
I just think back to his face and how he was looking at me and how my body felt all tingly. My eyes start to wander over to Mingi starting from his hands on the steering wheel to his arms to his good looking face.

"Watcha thinking about?" Mingi says out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out of me. I practically jump, my face flushing "nothing, nothing, just..your car. Yeah your car... it's nice" well now its awkward.
Before I turn my head towards the window I see the corner of Mingi's mouth twitch upwards. He definitely knows I wasn't thinking about the car.

Mingi does have a pretty nice car, its an average car but kept pretty tidy. For some reason I didn't think his car would be this clean. His clothes in the back seat are even folded. I wonder why he has extra clothes maybe keeps them incase something spills.

As I look out at the window watching the building passing us by. I can't believe I agreed to this, what was I thinking? If my family finds out I'm dead. I'll be grounded for life, would they let me go to Wooyoung's. Wooyoung! I have to tell him.

I suddenly remember what Mingi told me before we left 'Hey is it alright if we don't tell anyone, yet? I want to keep it a secret, especially from Yunho and Wooyoung. I just want us to have fun and see where this goes. Knowing them they'll put a lot of pressure on us and I think it will be harder for both of us.'
I agreed because I don't full understand what we are or what relationship we have. So I could see his point. I think that it could be fun, and a good opportunity to do something different. It would be a secret just between him and me, it makes me feel a little giddy.

Mingi turns the music on and my eyes start to feel droopy. I fight them open for a little bit but eventually I give in and close my eyes.

Mingi's POV
At a stop light I take my chance to glance over at Yeosang, his head is against the window, mouth partly open. I can't believe this kid, already sleeping. Is this going to be a reoccurring thing? I have an unexplainable urge to reach over and just touch him. Pat his head, brush my finger over his cheek, put my hand on one of his thighs.
*honk* *honk*
I snap back into reality where I'm in the middle of the street with an angry lady behind giving me the finger. Not caring about the lady, I take a quick second to look at Yeosang before proceeding to drive home. A weird feeling spreads through my chest. I should drive around the neighborhood a bit to let him sleep a bit more.
Man I hope this will turn out good.  

Yeosang POV
Next thing I know Mingi is lightly shaking me awake.
"Ah Yeosang, we're at my house now. You need to wake up."

- A little later
Mingi was kinda right. Being here is better then being by myself. We haven't even done anything. Like literally. We've just watched tv. It was the same thing I was doing earlier, yet I feel so much better.
Maybe it's the pure fact I'm not alone that makes it better. I don't really know, it's still awkward it would better if we would talk to each other.

I don't know where to begin. I have a general understanding of where things are so I can't ask him to show me around. it's kind of a blur when we came in.

He had brought one of my bags up for me which made me happy but it also caused me to stand there awkwardly while he did everything. At least He let me carry my own school backpack, it saved me some of my dignity. He put my duffel bag in his room. Stating that I'll be sleeping in there, and if I want he'll take the couch. I just decided we both could sleep in his room.

I smile remembering the good things that happened the last time we were on the couch.

After another 30 minutes or so, I look around the room one more time deciding that between the awful, boring, documentary to Mingi bouncing his leg up and down. The friction between the couch fabric and Mingi's pants creating an irritating rustling sound that seem to be getting louder.  I can't take it anymore.

I quickly snatch the remote and change the channel to something more interesting, as well as turning it up. I turn to see Mingi looking bewildered.
"Hey, I was watching that."
"...Well it was boring." I say defensively. He doesn't say anything, looking like he's contemplating something.
Him being quiet makes me think. Maybe I should have asked before changing it. I slowly put down the remote and careful slide the remote back in his direction. Saying "sorry"
Quick and quietly.

In an instant Mingi turned towards me and grabbed my arm pulling me up. The way I was sitting with a leg under me caused me to be on my knees.
He slouches down and stretching out on the couch. One of his legs going in between mine and laying almost flat with his head propped up against the arm of the couch. Mingi then pulling me towards his chest, his hands going to my waist and around my back.

"I wasn't really paying attention to the show anyway." He say in a low voice.

I was about to say something when he continued "I'm gonna sleep for a bit I'm kinda tired, you got one earlier. So you can watch whatever you want, just stay here."
His voice fading as he drifts to sleep.

Once my heart beat goes to a somewhat normal heart rate. I look at the tv which was turned to the news channel in Mingi's previous act of laying down the couch. I locate the remote on the floor which is a little far and when I reach for it, my chest slowly going off of Mingi. He suddenly tightened his grip and turned his body taking me with him. I'm squished between the couch and and Mingi's body. It is really nice and cozy though. I guess I'll just enjoy this. I got one last whiff off his scent before dozing off myself.

Author's Note
I sincerely apologize for being inactive. Have you ever felt like the world is against you? Thing after thing keeps happening. It started around September were one of my family members was diagnosed with cancer and it just went downhill. These past couple of months have been shit (sorry for my language).
To be completely honest I didn't want to write, More like I couldn't. I would try to but nothing came into my head it was just blank and empty. But you guys have just shown so much love to this book, a book I didn't think anyone would read. I'm so thankful for those who've stayed and waited. You guys were my motivation to keep writing this and you definitely deserve it.
The updating might not be at the exact scheduled time, but it will be done. When I say I'm gonna do something I do it so....
I hope you enjoy the story!!
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You are important and you matter 🤗
-Luna 🌑

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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