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*1 week later*

Mingi POV
"Yunho why hasn't he come to class? It has been a week and I still have his phone and clothes! Who could do that?" I start to complain while staring at Yeosang's phone in my hand, "I know I said something mean but it's not like we are together or anything like that. I don't think I want that but I at least gotta say sorry."

"Y'know Mingi sometimes you're a real jerk, and I would say a stronger word if it weren't for the kids around us." Yunho said somewhat quietly.

Right now we are sitting behind the front desk at the dance studio watching the younger and some older dancers get out of class.

Yunho continues " If what you told me was true about the things that happened between you guys. I'd be a little upset too! Also you're an idiot"

"Was that last part really necessary?"

"Yes it was, idiot.... but I don't know how he hasn't come back for his phone. Plus you have his clothes!"He stated

There was silence before Yunho came up with an idea.
"Why you don't you go give it to him instead of waiting for him?"

"If I knew where he lives I would have done that already. Are you sure I'm the idiot here?" I said sharply getting tried of this. 

He smirked at me then went into the bins next to him. "But you could know." He threw a file in front of me. It's Yeosang's file, these files usually are for safety and maybe payments. It contains name of family, contact info, address and etc. We really shouldn't go through it. On the other hand he might really need his phone. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look. And I could apologize properly and he couldn't run away. I could also get back one of my favorite hoodies.

I put the phone in my bag next to me as the front door opens. I don't pay attention to who it is until I hear them talk to Yunho. I immediately put some random papers over the file before he reached the desk.

Wooyoung came in smiling looking at Yunho "Hey Yunho, how are you?"
"I myself am doing pretty good, how are you doing."  Yunho also said smiling.
Wooyoung face became somewhat serious as he turned to look at me.
He started talking seemingly forced. It was like when you're mom makes you talk to a person you don't like or don't want to talk to. (Picture at the top) "Hi Mingi, I came for Yeosang's phone."

I quickly glance between my bag and him "uhh, I don't have it on me right now."


"Yep, don't have it." He gives me a skeptical look before talking again.
"Look I don't know what is totally going on as Yeosang won't tell me. He probably might be exaggerating or something, I don't know but I do know that he needs his phone."

"What is he exaggerating about?" I asked out of curiosity.

"...You - but back to the point, I need his phone" he said rushed likes he wasn't supposed to say. I glanced at my bag real quick, should I give him the phone? But I do want to see him. But I don't need to-

I look back at him and he's looking expectantly at me. (I hope I used that right😅) I'm about to answer when he continues. "He's been at my house for almost a week, and he just left today and he needs a phone to text me so I need him to have it."

I did not like what he said one bit. Why was he with someone else, couldn't he have just gone home by himself. I don't know why but it sparked something within me.

"Nope I don't have it right now"

"Fine, but I know you teach a class tomorrow can I pick it up than."

Even though I won't have it tomorrow I lie to him and say "sure"

Once he leaves Yunho turns to me and smirks "For not really being interested in Yeosang, you sure want to be close to him." he raised his eyebrows

"I just want to apologize. That's it all right no deeper meaning."

"You are such an idiot."

I pay no attention to him and start to look for Yeosang's address in his file.

I just really I want to see him.

(Sorry for mistakes! I'd love for suggestions. If you want a ship included in this story, comment it. Doesn't have to be an ATEEZ ship! Please vote and comment! ☺️💜)

*Important Notice*
(Okay first I would like to say thank you to all of you who have been patient with me and this story. I love you guys so much you're so nice💙☺️
Also there has been a lot of things going on in the world right now and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. There has been some family matters that I had to attend too. Nothing bad I promise! So that's why it took so long to update.

Second I know that this story is a little messy, which is why I decided that I'm going to clean it up a bit an make it flow and connect better. So....the next couple days i will be going back to change a couple things like Mingi's attitude, because I think it changes to much and doesn't make sense. But the story will remain the same, I am honestly not great at explaining. Main point is I'm changing some wording to make the story better. There will be no drastic changes.

That's it! If you made it this far thank you and I appreciate you very much. Stay safe, Healthy and support BLM.💙💙💙💙)

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