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Zara's POV

To say that my pregnancy has been the easiest is a huge lie. I've faced several difficulties, there have been a few moments where I thought I'd lost my baby. During my first trimester, in the early weeks, me and Zaid were in a serious car accident. I received many injuries, I had a lot of external and internal bleeding, the baby's heartbeat was very faint, but we got better.

Because of Dr. Alayna and Dr. Zayan. I think it's safe to say that they're our guardian angels. They saved me and my baby. Me and Zaid have become very close friends with them, and guess what! Dr. Zayan and Zaid's fathers were close childhood friends. However, due to business, they drifted apart and became business rivals. Over the last few months, me and Alayna have been trying our best to unite our fathers, unite our families once more. And it seems to be working.

At twenty weeks' pregnant, I suffered from an internal bleed. The bleeding was so severe, I thought I'd lost the baby. Zaid rushed me to the hospital, where we found out that the baby was safe and healthy. At that same appointment, the doctor asked us if we wanted to find out the gender of our baby.

We declined. Both me and Zaid want it to be a surprise.

There are times when I think we're having a girl, and there are times when I think we're having a boy. At the start, Zaid was sure that it's a girl, but now he's not sure. I can't wait to have my baby in my arms. These nine months have felt like forever.

I change into a comfy, oversized cotton maxi dress, and I brush through my thick, long hair. I decide to put it up into a messy bun. I can't be bothered with anything else, and the word 'makeup' sounds foreign to me.

I glance into my full-length bedroom mirror and I sigh, happily. I've never felt so happy, even though right now, I look like a balloon. I'm huge. My short height doesn't help with that either. Today, I'm thirty-eight weeks pregnant.

Thirty-eight weeks! It's crazy, I know.

It feels like a dream. It feels too good to be true. I have no idea how I got to this stage of my pregnancy. With the bleeding, the cramps, the sickness, with how faint my baby's heartbeat got. I can't believe my baby's still here, happy and healthy, kicking like crazy in my stomach.

I place a hand on my large, protruding stomach, enjoying the feeling of the kicks. I remember when the baby kicked for the first time, I was shocked. I was so shocked, I didn't know what was happening. I made Zaid feel it, and then I made Hafsa and Aunty feel it.

My family has been so supportive throughout my pregnancy. They've held my hair back when I was puking my guts out, they've endured all my mood swings, they even stopped cooking certain foods because the smell made me sick. They've been so amazing.

And Zaid.. what can I say about him? He's been the best husband in the entire world. He's been with me through everything, through all the ups and downs. There were even two occasions when I was sick on Zaid. I vomited on him, and I still can't believe it. He's taken me out for ice cream at the craziest hours, and then he hasn't complained when I told him I didn't like the ice cream.

He hasn't complained when I told him I wanted the chow mein he makes, and then when I told him I can't stand the smell of the garlic and vegetables.

Especially in the last couple of months, when I got bigger, I found it impossible to sleep comfortably. He'd do anything possible to make me comfortable, and he'd sit up with me all night, binge watching Netflix.

Even through all the sickness which lasted throughout my pregnancy (yes, even in the second and third trimester!), I made him go baby shopping with me. We've bought baby girl clothes and we've bought baby boy clothes. Whenever he saw me looking at something for a few seconds too long, he bought it.

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