Chapter Sixty-One

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Zara's POV

I wake up early that morning, because I need to use the bathroom. Opening my eyes, I see that it has started to get bright outside. I glance at the clock on the far wall. It reads 6am. I feel a weight on my stomach, and I look beside me. Zaid is fast asleep, with an arm wrapped around me. I feel way too comfortable to get up, but I have to.

Blushing at the position we're in, I slowly and gently move his arm off me. I get out of bed and quickly use the bathroom. My period has nearly finished, which is crazy. It's only the fourth day, and it usually lasts at least five. I'm not complaining at all, though. I glance into the mirror as I'm about to leave the bathroom, and I giggle, seeing how flushed my cheeks are. I touch my face gently with my fingertips and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

Our walima was amazing, just like every other function. I had lots of fun, and Zaid didn't leave my side for most of the night. When he did leave my side to meet some guests for five minutes, all the girls came rushing to me and bombarded me with questions about my wedding night. They're so crazy. Zaid definitely knew what they were talking about when he came back, because I was bright red in the face.

I head back to our bedroom, yawning. I'm still tired, so I will sleep for another couple of hours. Yesterday had been a long, busy day. But it had been such a beautiful day.

I get back into bed, hugging the covers to myself to warm me up. I turn to face Zaid, and a smile automatically makes its way onto my lips. My heart skips a beat seeing his smile while asleep. He looks so handsome, even when he's asleep. I take my hand to his forehead and tuck back a strand of dark hair.

Then, I lean forward and kiss his cheek, letting my lips linger for a couple of seconds. I keep staring at him for a few seconds, grinning. I will never get used to how handsome he is. With the grin not leaving my lips, I rest my head on his shoulder, hugging him to me. I breathe in his musky, manly scent and close my eyes. But I'm not tired at all anymore. All the tiredness has vanished. I feel wide awake, alert. My heart is hammering loudly in my chest.

A few seconds later, I open my eyes and glance up at his beautiful face. When my eyes meet his open ones, I freeze, biting my lip. I got caught, in this position which I created myself. I just landed myself into trouble, and I'm glad I did.

Zaid lifts his hand and gently caresses my cheek. I smile shyly up at him, closing my eyes and leaning into his touch. It's only been one and a half days since the wedding, but I feel so comfortable with Zaid. Like I was always meant to be here, with him. I feel right at home with him.

He slowly lifts his head and presses a kiss to my forehead. I again smile shyly at him, biting my lip. I can't even begin to explain the feeling I get when Zaid looks at me this way, or when he kisses me on the forehead, or anywhere. I feel so happy, it's crazy. I'm crazy for him. I always have been.

He's still staring at me, a small smile on his beautiful, soft lips. When I realise the position we're in, that I'm resting my head on his shoulder, I blush harder and pull away. I lay back on my pillow, not able to contain my smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," he says, smiling at me. His voice is deep and husky, making me shiver. He shifts forward to kiss my cheek.

'Good morning, handsome,' I reply, grinning.

I hear him chuckle from beside me. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"You think I'm handsome?" He asks, his voice sleepy and teasing.

I shrug, blushing. 'You're alright.' I can't even lie to myself, though. Zaid is the most handsome man I've ever seen, and he's all mine.

He laughs loudly, his body vibrating as he kisses my forehead. "Are you feeling okay, darling? You're awake very early. I woke up just an hour ago, and prayed fajr while you were asleep."

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