Chapter Forty

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Zaid's POV

He looks back to where I've spoken from, a smirk playing on his lips. He gets off Zara, who I see is conscious. Her eyes were closed a few seconds ago, but I'm relieved that she's awake. Just about. I see her look towards me, and the tears start flowing down her cheeks. I feel my heart break at her expression.

I turn to Hamza with a murderous expression. I will kill him. He has hurt Zara badly. There is so much blood on the ground next to Zara; near her head and her back. I will kill him. He will regret hurting my girl. He will wish he'd never been born.

"Hello, Zaid. I was expecting you," Hamza says, walking towards me, his footsteps echoing loudly.

I glare at him, rushing to him and grabbing him by the collars of his shirt. I feel disgusting touching him, but I will kill him. He hurt Zara so badly. Hamza just smirks at me.

"I would suggest you get your hands off me now, Mr Malik," he says slowly, his eyes hard and emotionless. He is now glaring at me.

I push him against the hard, cold brick wall. His head hits the wall and I see him flinch. 'How dare you?! How dare you touch Zara?!' I spit, ready to murder him. I haven't felt so angry before in my entire life. I will kill him. If I didn't reach here, he would probably have killed Zara.

'Oh, I haven't yet! I haven't touched her....well, you know what I mean. I was waiting for you to reach. I will fuck her in front of you, and you will be unable to do anything.'

I throw a punch at his face, my eyes full of hatred towards this guy. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being. How can a person be like this?

He laughs loudly. "That's the best you've got?"

'No, it definitely isn't the best I've got. I will kill you. How dare you touch her?!' I yell, my voice thundering down the street. How has no one else reached Zara?! I heard her screams, but no one else did?!

It's not possible that no one else heard her.

"I will fuck her, hard. You can marry her after that, or do whatever you want. Will Zaid Malik really marry a used girl, though?" Hamza asks, laughing evilly.

I push him harder against the wall, throwing kicks and punches at him. The punch at his face has opened his lip, and the side of his face is swollen. He is still laughing, though. He's a psycho.

My back hits the wall opposite, and I see him run to Zara. He isn't touching her in front of me. Just before he reaches her, I grab him by his collar and push him onto the ground. I place my foot on his chest, applying pressure.

Hamza splutters and starts coughing violently. I kick him to the side, his face hitting the large, metal rubbish bin near the wall. I rush to Zara, who seems to be trying to say something to me.

I sit on the floor, not caring about anything except Zara. I hold her gently, anger and pain filling me as I see blood seeping out of her back. The back of her dress is ripped apart, but it is sticking to her because of how much blood is on her back. I hold her and place her in my lap, tears filling my eyes.

'Nothing will happen to you, Zara. Do you hear that?' I whisper, a tear spilling out of my eye.

She gives me a weak smile. "I knew you would reach me, Zaid.'re always here for me," she breathes, unable to speak clearly because of how weak she is. She is in a lot of pain.

I cry harder when I hear her voice. It sounds broken, just like the rest of her. I hold her closer to me, her blood colouring my shirt.

'Zara, keep your eyes open. Please, baby. Don't fall asleep,' I murmur, when I see that her eyes are closing.

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