Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Zara's POV

Zaid lets me leave work early that day. I spend most of the remainder of the day in my room, sitting alone, lost in my thoughts. What did I do today? I lost it completely. I feel myself getting emotional again, thinking about my feelings for Zaid. I love him so much, it's crazy. I don't know when it happened, how it happened, anything. All I know is that I love him more than anything. Why can't he love me back? Why can't everything be perfect and simple for once?

After dinner that night, I sit with Maryam and Mum for a short while, watching TV.

'Zara, why are you so silent this evening? Is everything okay?' Mum asks me, giving me a worried look.

I nod. "I'm just a bit tired, Mum. Yes, everything is okay."

'You came back early today from work, why? I mean, is everything okay at the office?' She asks.

I swallow the lump in my throat, remembering my rude behaviour with Zaid this morning. I will apologise tomorrow, properly. I'm such an idiot, I don't even know what I said to him. "Zaid let me leave early today, I had a bit of a headache."

'Headache? Why didn't you tell me, dear?' Mum asks me worriedly, before touching my forehead to check whether or not I have a temperature.

"I'm fine now, Mum. Seriously," I tell her. I just want to go to bed.

'You and Zaid were adorable yesterday, the way you two were joking around,' she says. Maryam nods, winking at me.

I sigh, looking down into my lap. "Yeah, he was annoying me."

They laugh.

'I can't believe you called him a watermelon, though!' Maryam says, making Mum chuckle again.

I blush. "Yeah, well, I did. You know what? I feel the headache coming back, I think I should get to sleep. I have work tomorrow." I stand up, smiling at my mother and sister. Dad has gone upstairs to bed early today, he was exhausted after his long day at work.

'Zara, don't go to work tomorrow if you're not feeling well. I'm sure Zaid won't mind,' Mum says, smiling gently.

I shake my head. "I'll be fine once I get some sleep, Mum. Honestly, don't worry. Goodnight."

I hurry upstairs to my room before Mum or Maryam can initiate another conversation. I feel exhausted, but more than anything, I feel really bad. I feel extremely guilty for my behaviour this morning.

I change into my pyjamas and climb into bed after switching off the lights. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but I can't. Why did I behave so rudely with Zaid this morning? First, I told him that he hurt me, and I told him to get out of my life. I told him that I don't want to work with him anymore, or see him again. I asked him why he came back into my life. I even told him that he hurt me more than Hamza did. How could I say all that to him, when he has always been amazing and supportive to me?

I feel tears rise to my eyes again. Why do I always have to be so dramatic and start crying all the time?! After I was so rude to Zaid, I hugged him. I freaking hugged him, tight. When he hugged me back, I broke down completely. I lost it when I felt Zaid wrap his strong arms around me. I hugged him closer, not wanting to let go of him.

And then I told him to never leave me. Just two minutes before that, I was telling him to go away, to get out of my life and leave me! I'm crazy. I honestly don't know what I'd do if Zaid left me. He can't. I won't let him. He has to stay here, with me. He has to love me back.

I have a feeling that Layla is going to try and make things more difficult for me. She's back for Zaid. She wants him back. I know that Zaid doesn't have any feelings for her anymore, but she won't leave him. She will find every opportunity to get close to him at the office, to meet him. I have a feeling that I will be getting jealous often now, with Layla here. Even though I know that I have no reason to feel jealous of her now.

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