Chapter 11: Mom?

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Mackenna's POV

"Mom?" I asked confused.

She ran up to me and held me tight.

"What are you doing here?"

"Blake." She said bitterly. "He came by our house again and asked where you were. I didn't tell him of course and he threatened your life. So I came straight away. I guess he must of followed me here. I'm so glad you're safe." She sobbed.

"I'm fine, I promise."

"What is going on here?" A voice boomed.


"How do you know Blake?" He asked.

"What does he want from you?"

I untangled my mom from me and stepped forward towards Jonathan.

"Bad past is all I can say. It's not my place to fully tell you."

"Not your place? He was here for YOU! You HAVE the right to tell!" He yelled.

"Please just calm down for a minute. This has nothing to do with you. You can't force me to tell you anything!"

"You're in my pack! Of course I have the right to know if it puts MY pack in danger Mackenna!" Jonathan burst.

"Johnathan, come here boy." Bell said in an angry tone.

"You too Mackenna"

We approached the frightening lady and she started talking.

Mom came too and Bell ushered us into the house for a more private setting, and mom started talking.

"It's all my fault. You see, Blake was my mate before Daniel. But he rejected me because I was back then the omega of the pack. But the Moongoddes gave me a second chance mate. That is very rare, and that is how I met Daniel.

"But Blake got jealous and wanted me to go back to him. I refused. He treated me really bad. Then he said that... th-" she couldnt continue so I did.

"That if he can't have her, he will take me as his."


It's been two days since my birthday and I still can't shake the thought of Blake almost killing me and wanting me out of my head.

Jonathan has been by my side since then and even a day won't go by without Mrs.Wedly who wants to check up on me. I'm petrified with the thought that Blake could have killed me with in seconds, but he didn't. He has some type of power over me and I hate it.

I knew I'm weak but seeing how weak I really am is terrifying that I can't even defend myself. To be honest, I've though about running away from here. Not wanting to put all this people here in danger,but then yet again, where would I go.

I'm still mad at my parents for not telling me about my biological parents, so that's not even an option for a place to stay at. And even if they did lie I won't punish them in the way of putting their lives in danger. A knock came from the other end of my door and I jumped.

"Wh- who is it?" I asked.

"It's Jonathan."

"Just a minute." I quickly jumped up from the desk shoving all the papers into the drawer not wanting him to see that I'm planning on leaving. I then moved to my bed sitting on the edge trying to act normal.

"Come in."

The door opened and was met with a friendly smile.

"How are you?"

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