Chapter 6: Pha- lease

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Mackenna's POV

When I got back to the pack house al I could see was wolves everywhere, snarling, scratching and biting at each other.

I turned around facing Jonathan with a worried expression. "Mac, I need you to go to the chambers unnoticed, and get there safely."

I just nodded at him and turned around, not in the mood for a fight right now. I started walking and something hit me. Where is the guard waiting for me?

"Mackenna!" I heard someone shout. I saw one of Liam's friends, Jason, coming my way grabing my hand janking me just as a wolf was about to jump on me.

Just as I touched the hard floor I saw the wolf coming my way again but Jason stopped it, yelling at me to run away.

I ran until I saw a woman opening a door and entering it looking around to make sure nobody saw her.

Her eyes landed on me and ushered me to go with her.I got to the chambers safely and unnoticed. When we walked into to chambers she quickly shut the door behind me and locked it.

We immediately went over to where everyone were waiting.

"What happened? " I asked as soon as I sat in down near Bell.

"Are you ok?" I looked over at her

"Kenna, I'm fine. I'm the one who should ask you that, I saw a wolf about to attack you but Jason said to come here and he will handle it." Bell said worried.

"I'm fine, dont worry about me. What happened?" I asked again.

"I don't know. One minute I was busy playing with the pups and then wolves came out of the woods starting to attack everyone." The woman said.

"Everything will be ok, Jonathan wil take care of it." I told them determined.

"You and Jonathan?" Ash said wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Hey! I barely got here and you already want me to be with someone? " I asked.

"Besides I don't even like him that way. I hardly know him at all" I looked at them. They just gave me a look that said 'really?'

"Don't go there." I glared at her.

"Oh come on, did you see the way he was looking at you?" She said dreamly. "He looked at you like you were his everything." She stated.

"pha-lease" I laughed at them.

"We barely get along with eachother for a minute and then already want to bite each others heads off."

"Look , Jonathan can be a great guy when he wants to and all, but we will never ever be together." I said.

"So thats a big no." They sighed.

" What if you were his mate." Ash said a little to loud.

I stiffened.

"I don't think so." I said while looking away.

I introduced myself. And the woman said her name was Meghan. I just learned that she is Jay's sister.

I was getting up to see if everyone was alright and felt a stinging pain in my abdoman making me lose my balance. Clutching at my abdoman bending down.

"Mackenna!" I heard Meghan say in concern

"Its fine..I'm fine." I tried getting up again but just fell back down.

"I-" I struggle to get the word out of my mouth. I felt the pain spreading through my body and it felt as if my body were on fire. I started to scream but it came out as a muffled sound.

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