109) Be Kids

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"What colour are yours going to be?" Willow asked.

"I have pink, yellow, black and white or navy blue. Which ones did you bring?"

"Well Daddy didn't let me bring all of mine which made me really upset but I was allowed to bring 6 pairs. I'll show you."  She dragged me over to her suitcase where she dumped out all her bathers. Although it took a while for us to decide, we chose to go matching in pink. I slipped my dress back on, over the top, and we headed to the pool. All of us were coming now but I'm sure the boys wouldn't be interested in swimming the whole day.

We chose some sun beds, which we had to share between us, since we had 6 spots and eight of us. I shared with Jaxon and Willow shared with Jayden. Jayden had gotten taller, and now that I see Jaxon next to him, he did too. You don't really notice when people that are already taller than you grow, especially when you live with them every day.

"Sunscreen girls." Uncle Darren handed us each a bottle of sunscreen.

"And boys." I stared.

"Boys too." He laughed.

"Don't be rude." Hunter nudged me in the back. I took a deep breath and ignored him, putting sunscreen all over my body and wearing my hat. I never used to like wearing hats, because they fell into my eyes, but bucket hats were a trend now, so I felt better about my appearance with it on. I also liked how it matched my bathers, it was new, and I could get it wet.

"Can we get in now?" Willow asked. She'd been telling me about how she'd been taking heaps and heaps of swimming lessons and she could swim without help now. Jayden still kept close, but she was perfectly fine on her own, since she did three or four lessons a week, in order for her to be the safest possible on this trip. 

The water encased us as we jumped in. It was warm, both from the sun and the heater, and cooled down my sweaty skin.

Willow and I threw the ball back and forth until Jaxon intercepted it and started throwing it to Jayden, so we swam around, diving underneath all their legs and swimming through like an obstacle course.

I didn't remember the last time I felt this relaxed and happy. I was happy a lot of the time, but this was even better.

Time passed quickly, as it does when you're swimming. Hunter kept making us drink water since you usually forget to whilst your swimming, and I was prone to bad headaches from dehydration.

"Can we get some lunch soon?" Olli asked. "I'm hungry."

"We just had breakfast!" Willow exclaimed, climbing onto Uncle Darren's back.

"That was four hours ago baby." Jayden laughed. I was in as much shock as she was, but as I thought about it, I was kind of hungry.

We all got out and dried off, reapplying the sunscreen. Willow had to sit in the shade, since she was fair skinned and would burn easily, whereas everyone else, including me, could take a fair bit of sun before showing as being burnt. I was going to get a tan this trip, I knew it.

Although sitting in the sun was nice, you couldn't do it for long. The sun here wasn't like Australia. It didn't burn as fast, but today it was bright and made you really hot if you were in it.

"What do you want Livi?" Jaxon asked, passing me the menu.

"Can I get a smoothie?" I asked instantly, that being the first thing to catch my eye.

"Later. Get food now." Hunter interrupted. Willow was arguing with Uncle Darren about what to get too.

"Chips please." I asked, putting the menu down.

"That's it? Why don't you get fried rice or pizza?" Hunter suggested, not liking me just eating chips. Although he knew I needed to eat more, as the doctor had told us, he also wanted me to gain weight healthily, not just by eating potatoes and chocolate.

"I'll have that for dinner. Just chips now." I smiled, trying to win him over, taking the opposite approach to Willow, who was whining and on the verge of tears.

"Why don't you and Livi share pizza and chips then?" I heard Jayden suggest.

"Yep, done." Hunter agreed, before I even had my say.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, receiving a gently whack to the thigh from Jaxon. 

Willow and I dabbled our feet in the water whilst we waited for our food to come. People had left to go get lunch, but for every group that left, another came. It was a steady flow of in and out.

Since there weren't any restaurants or places we could walk to from this hotel, we were forced to eat hotel food for every meal. This didn't bother me, but I knew Hunter would start to get nervy about me eating the same thing, so I had to make it my mission to get someone else to make it look like it was their order when we were getting food. 

"Hat back on if you're going back in the water Willow. You too Livi." Jayden reminded us, after our lunch.  He was worse than Jaxon, but at least a little more polite.

We both just sat in the water, our tummies full of chips and pizza. I don't love pizza, but it was certainly different this time, and I actually really enjoyed it. Willow pulled off all the green leaves, but I didn't mind eating them. 

"I think I'm going to go for a walk." Said Hunter.

"Why don't you guys all go do something for a bit. There's a gym over their too. If you go to concierge, you can get the timetable for all the activities and maybe book some. I'm happy to look after the girls so stay as long as you like, and we'll just meet you back at the room later." Uncle Darren suggested.

"Are you sure?" Hunter checked.

"Yeah! Go enjoy yourselves, you're on vacation too, Hunt." He chuckled. I was happy because it meant they weren't breathing down my neck, so off they went to do their own thing.

Ahhh I wish I could go back to Bali. It's probably my favourite place in the world, and the place I've visited the most. I was there in January but obviously that can't happen again for a while :(




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