8) Art

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A few weeks have passed since I started school and I'm exhausted. I'm only in Week 5 and I've already had 2 maths tests, a health assignment and just began an art assessment. Health was really simple because it was a research project and maths was pretty easy too. I have maths in my genes from Dad, so I've never struggled in that class. Art is a whole different matter. I am terrible at anything that involves visual creativity that comes out of my hand. I cannot draw. I cannot paint. I cannot design. And we had to do all of those things.

*Flashback to earlier that day, in Art.

'Okay class, I will be explaining your Term 1 assessment task to you in a moment, so could everyone please take a seat.' Miss Holland explained to us. Miss Holland was a young teacher who was really good at art. 'Okay. Let me explain. For your term 1 art task, you will have to each create your own masterpiece. No groups. You must show me each of the stages of your masterpiece through photographs, so that I can make sure you've completed the task correctly. There are 3 parts in this assessment.' Oh god, I struggle sketching a flower, let alone doing a 3-step assignment, that we get graded on! 'You will first have to sketch an object, maybe a shoe, flower or animal. Something like that. Once you are happy with your design, you have to go over the picture in a 0.4 fine liner, making sure it's very neat so I don't have to make you repeat it. Once the first 2 steps are completed, and I have checked and approved it, you can move on to step 3. You have to paint your picture. I need you to use at least one of 3 techniques; monochromatic, analogous or complementary. You all have the resource I handed out last lesson which explains what each of those are. Here is a sheet covering everything I just said. On the back there is the rubric as well, make sure you read it carefully to help get the highest mark possible. This task is due in 3 weeks.' She smiled at us as she handed out the sheet. 'Oh one more thing, all free-hand. That means no rulers.'

*End of flashback.

If I'm really struggling with my school work, I usually go to one of the boys. First Lachie since he's the smartest, then Hunt, Jax then Olli. I never, ever want to go to Olli, so he's extreme last resort. He's in the thick of teenage years, at 16 (nearly 17), and he wants nothing to do with me. Sometimes I get upset about it because he won't help but then Hunt just makes him anyway. None of my brothers care about grades, except for Hunter. Lachie naturally gets good grades because he loves science and reading. Not that my whole school knows that, he prefers his beg ego and 'cool kid' image. Hunt always checks our online system as soon as he knows there are grades. He has the app on his phone too, so he gets all the notifications before we can even tell him. This art assessment is going to be the death of me! I was really hoping to finish high school, but anyway.

I just finished eating my snack, so I went upstairs and tried to think of something to draw. Rose? No, too many details. Rainbow? Too easy for high school. Elephant? Nope. Tiger? Nope. I continued like this, just spinning around in my desk chair for about half an hour before I was happy. A house. I thought I would do a simple shaped house with 2 windows and a red front door. Can't be that hard can it. I don't know how I was so wrong.

3 hours later

I'm currently sitting at my desk, my head hanging in my hands with my elbows on the desk, and a huge pile of crumpled up paper on the floor next to me. I want to die. I kept groaning in frustration every time I felt like I should try again. This time it will work, I told myself. I was lying though. I had given up entirely when Lachie walked into my room.

'What's...what happened in here?' Lachie stopped short one he saw the mess on the floor. I wasn't a super-clean person; having 4 older brothers did that to you, but I hated my room messy. I just turned around and glared at him. 'Not my fault.' He said, holding his hands up in surrender. I just kept grumbling.

'Art.' I mumbled angrily. He laughed.

'Real world issues, Livi. Is that really what's causing your problems?' Before I could answer his stupid mouth, Jaxon waltzed in, staring at his phone.

'Baby, I need my VANS t-shirt, did you steal it again?' Jaxon asked me, without looking up from his phone. I didn't reply, just groaned again. His reaction was the same as Lachie's. 'Woah! Baby, what'd you do to this place,' he said whilst scanning his eyes over the mounds of paper balls.

'Sorry Livi, can't help you with this one. I'm outta here.' Lachie walked over to me, patted me on the head and left.

'Help you with what?' Jax asked me as he flopped onto my bed.

'Art.' I mumbled, still not in the mood.

'Haha, baby found something she's bad at! This is amazing!' I rolled my eyes and glared at him. 'Calm down, I know what to do.' Inside, I lightened up at his comment, but was a bit sceptical. How does he know anything about art? 'I don't.'


'I don't know anything about art. Cool people don't do art, Livi.' Mind reader he is! How'd he know I was thinking that!? Creepy as. 'So, do you want my help or not?' Eh why not.

'Sure,' I say, still grumpy.

'Okay then. First step, make my baby happy again.'

'I am NOT a baby.' I sat up tall as I spoke back to him.

'But you're my baby.' And with that, Jax came over to me and flung me up into the air and onto my bed. Before I could even react, he was on top of me, tickling like crazy.

'STOP, stop Jax!' I yelled, laughing and screaming.

'Is happy Livi back?'

'YES!' I screeched, begging for him to stop.

'Okay.' He finally stopped and got off from on top of me. These were moments when he was my favourite more than ever.

'So, how can you help me again?' I asked, still really confused. Hadn't he just said he knew nothing about art?

'Yes. Back to that. Someone in this very household.'



Terrible cliff hanger, I know.

Comment any ideas, feedback or anything about my story.


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