112) Scarred

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I remained frozen in my spot in my bed until the familiar knock rang through my ears. I bolted to the door, opening it to see Jaxon. I jumped into his arms, bawling my eyes out once again.

"You're okay, baby. It's okay. I'm back now." He consoled me, rubbing my back whilst hugging me tight.

"I...thought...you...weren't...coming...back." I choked through sobs.

"I won't ever leave you Livi. I promise."

"Mum and Dad would have said that too." I cried. He said nothing and held me tighter.

"Shh, you don't need to keep crying, I've got you now."

"Where are Hunter and Olli and Lachie?" I asked, trying to control the sobs and tears which just would not stop.

"They're coming, baby. There were too many people so they're on the next car."

"Want a chicken nugget Jaxy?" Willow asked, grinning.

"Sure, why not." He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Livi, you want one too?" I shook my head in the crook of his neck. "C'mon you love these." I poked out my hand and felt Willow drop one for me to grab. I turned my head so I could eat it but still stayed close to Jaxon. I was never going to let go, well, at least until Hunter got here.

"At least the storm has mostly calmed down." Uncle Darren came back in, smiling at me and Jaxon. Just that moment, someone knocked on the door again.

"That was fast." Jaxon commented as Uncle Darren opened the door for Hunter, Olli and Lachie.

"Hunt." I held an arm out for him as he came and pried me from Jaxon and into his own arms. I really was a baby.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mhmm." I nodded into his chest.

"She loves you boys a lot." Uncle Darren told them. "Wouldn't do anything until her brothers were back," he smiled.

"We love you too baby." Hunter whispered to me.

"I don't think we're going to be heading off anywhere without you for a while." Olli smirked. Clearly he didn't miss me as I missed him.

I pried myself off of Hunter and hugged Olli, who was reluctant but still hugged me back.

"We bought food for you girls." Jayden smiled.

"You were stuck out there and whilst I was worried, you were busy buying food!?" I exclaimed.

"No, we stopped at a mini mart. That was where we got picked up from." Jayden laughed. "Do you still want the food or not?"

"YES!" Willow screamed, causing everyone to start laughing. She was what we needed right now; an energetic ball of positivity.

We both had a look through the bags of snacks we were given and were happy with all the purchases made. My personal favourite were the strawberry panda biscuits, which made Jax happy too since he chose them specifically for me.

"Let's order some dinner and then I think all of us could use with a good night's sleep." Hunter sighed.

"I agree with that." Uncle Darren nodded, so together they went through the menu and started selecting items.

"I don't want food," I whispered to Jax, whom I'd made my way back to.

"You need to eat something."

"I still feel sick."

"Everything is okay now. Why don't you just get a toasted sandwich or something like that? Or fried rice?"

"I don't want it." I shook my head. Jax sighed but told Hunter I'd have nasi goreng anyway, much to my disgust.

"Just see how you go. Otherwise, I'll eat it." I agreed with that, figuring I would take a bite and let him have the rest. All my crying had knocked it out of me, and now that everyone was back, all I wanted to do was sleep.

Everyone spread out in the villa. Olli, Lachie and Jayden moved into Willow's side of the hotel to play some games, which Hunter and Uncle Darren joined in on for the second round. Then, it was just me and Jax left.

"Why does your phone keep buzzing?" He grumbled, looking over at my phone, which had flashed every 3 seconds for the past two minutes with another notification. I reached over and grabbed it, to see a heap of notifications from Noah. I tried my best to cover my screen from Jaxon whilst I responded, informing him my brothers were back safely, and what had happened.

"Are you dating him?"

"What?" I gasped slightly.

"Are you dating Noah?" He stared at me, blank faced.


"Promise?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Promise." I nodded. That was the truth, at this point in time, we were best friends. He said it himself on Christmas day.

"You would tell me, wouldn't you?" He softened. I didn't realise these were things he thought about.

"Yeah." I smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Also," he snatched my phone from my hand, "why is Aston messaging you?" Aston was a boy at school in Jaxon's year. I didn't know him and I didn't think Jax was very good friends with him, apart from the fact they had played a lot of sport together in the past.

"Give it back!"

"Why is he messaging you Livi?" He growled.

"I don't know! I haven't messaged him or anything, he just sent me messages which I haven't even looked at!"

"I want to see what this idiot wants, for lack of a better word." He tapped on the snap and gasped as he opened it, then proceeded to scream and hide my phone in his chest. "Did you see that?" He snapped.

"No, what was it?" I sat up, curious as to what gave him the reaction.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew." Jax screamed, hiding his eyes like he was looking at something revolting.

"Ewww." I squirmed as I caught on as to what he'd sent. I fake gagged as the colour in Jaxon's face slowly returned to its normal appearance. "Block him. I don't want to see that."

"Hell no you don't." He growled, shuddering again. "Ew." I laughed a bit at his reaction, but was thankful I didn't see it, since Jaxon would have probably been even more furious and disgusted. "It's not funny Livi. I'm scarred." He flopped back on the bed, completely disgusted, just as our food arrived.

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