25) Shopping

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Once we were all done, and Willow and I had cleared up, her and I went to our respective rooms to change into some clothes. All the boys piled into either the games room or lounge room, busying themselves with screens. Of course, Jayden being clingy to Willow went with her to change her clothes.

I met her back in the living room and noticed she was wearing the same thing as yesterday.

'Willow why are you in the same clothes as yesterday?' I asked her. That's when Jayden seemed to notice as well.

Willow looked down at her feet and mumbled 'these are the only clothes I have.'

I instantly felt bad and quickly took it upon myself to resolve her issue.

'Well! That sorts out what we're doing today! SHOPPING TIME!!!' I ran around dancing and smiling. I hardly ever got to go shopping since the boys wouldn't let me go anywhere without one of them or another adult/parent with me. They would never take me or come because they complained it was boring and I took too long to pick anything. Sorry that I like to choose my clothes carefully boys.

Suddenly Hunter appeared from the gaming room and grabbed me.

'No running inside Livi.' He growled.

'Sorry.' I said instantly, which made him let go and look pleased. I didn't usually apologise so easily but I needed him to be happy for any chance of us being allowed to go shopping. 'Can you please take Willow and I shopping today? She doesn't have any clothes apart from the ones she's wearing.' I reasoned. He thought about it for a moment then decisively nodded.

'Okay. I'm assuming Jayden wants to come as well?' Hunter said, raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah.' Said Jayden.

We all split off to get our things, and the boys went to get changed since they were still half-naked. I really hated how they all showed off their 6-packs by not wearing tops when they slept and walked around the house. It was grossing having to see that. Willow and I stayed in the living room, and since no boys were there, I actually had the chance to pick a show. That happened like once a year, so I chose Dance Moms. Abby was just so funny, and it was really stupid to see all the mums fighting over their daughters. About 10 minutes into the show, Willow spoke. Although she was into the show, she was clearly thinking about other things too. I mean this was all new to her, so I'm not surprised.


'Yeah?' I said, turning my head to face her.

'Why do none of the boys wear tops? And why do they have so many lines and bumps on their tummies?' She asked in a semi-hushed tone. I tried and tried to contain my laughter but accidently let a little giggle escape. Before I could explain to her what it was, not matter how much it pained me to do it, Jaxon appeared.

'What's so funny ladies?' He said smirking and plonking himself next to me. He hadn't noticed what was on the TV yet, and I hope he didn't anytime soon.

'Nothing.' Said Willow and I simultaneously. He raised an eyebrow and gave us the look.

'I can always tell when you're lying baby. And it seems your terrible lying skills have been passed on to Willow as well.' He said, in an intimidating voice.

'I was just asking a question.' Willow blurted out quickly. At least I didn't spill that easily!

'And what might that question be?' Said Jaxon smartly. Willow blushed and buried her face into a pillow, making Jax laugh.

'Nuffing.' She said through the pillow. Jaxon quickly stood up and grabbed her waist, flinging her into the air then catching her bridal style. She giggled loudly, and a huge grin was painted on her face.

'Is that so? Hm?' Jaxon said, putting her down. Clearly suspense wasn't killing him that much. He placed her down then sat next to me. I was glad he wasn't tormenting me, but a little jealous he was being nice to her and not me. I am his sister, after all.

'What junk are you watching this time Livi?' Said Jaxon, scowling at the TV. 'No way am I watching this.' He lunged for the remote. I was just quick enough to snatch it off the coffee table and hide it behind my back. Phew. 'Livi.' He growled, but I turned my attention to the TV. Abby was going through the pyramid, and finally got to the top. Maddie, of course.

After about 1 minute of Jaxon trying to get the remote, which he could have easily done if he felt like it, which he clearly didn't, Hunter appeared. Willow and I ran to the car and buckled ourselves in. I jumped in the front seat and she got in the back. When Hunter arrived he gave me a stern look but didn't ask me to move, and Jayden was fine with sitting in the back with Willow.

20 minutes later we had parked and had gone into the shopping centre. In the car I made a list with Willow of where we should go.

-          Decjuba.

-          Supre.

-          Tommy Hilfiger.

-          Cotton on.

-          Readings.

-          Vans.

-          Nike.

-          Target.

-          Toy store.

Hunter said he needed to go do a few jobs and buy some things, so Jayden came with us. We went to the shoe stores first and got a new pair Nike Pegasus Zooms for sport and running, then vans to get some cooler shoes. She got 2 pairs of High Tops; one pink, one blue. Next, we went to my favourite store, Decjuba, and got a bag, slides and sunglasses. Jayden also helped her pick out a necklace since she really wanted one. The few other stores she went and got casual clothes like jeans, hoodies, t-shirts, socks, underwear and crop tops. When we went to the toy store she picked out a soft toy bunny, which Jayden said she still had a similar one back in Adelaide.

Hunter met us at Readings, the book store, and I helped Willow pick out some of my favourites. I knew she hadn't been reading for very long, so I got some simple ones like Alice-Miranda and Billi-b-brown. She'd like them.

We finished off the shopping trip with a donut each, and Willow loved it!

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