93) Creepy Guys

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I fought Jaxon that morning for more than half an hour, trying to convince him why I didn't have to explain, but it was pointless in the end since he threatened to expose something I had made him swear he wouldn't, so I was forced to tell him.

After that, I got ready for school, Jaxon drove me there, I sat in class, and then I came home. Hunter still wasn't back from his city conference/meeting/important thing, so we had to wait before we could do any of the first-of-December activities. I wasn't too impressed about it, but I also didn't want to do it without him, so there wasn't any other option other than to wait.

Whilst I was waiting, sitting and watching TV with Jaxon, my phone made a funny noise. I didn't know what it was, but I got excited once I saw it.

"What was that?" Jaxon asked, watching me as I checked my phone.

"Nothing." I shook my head, grinning like a maniac. It was obvious it was something.

"Baby." He growled, smirking.

I loaded up my outlook, which is where the notification came from, and took a deep breath as I opened the email. I couldn't contain my squeal as I read the first line of the email.

"What?" Jaxon made a curious face.

"I'll tell you later."

"No, tell me now." He grumbled, getting up from his seat and coming over to me.

"Nope." I smiled, seeing how it was agitating him.

He tackled me, trying to get the phone off me, meanwhile I was just laughing. He was being rough, but I was enjoying his annoyance too much for it to hurt. After a while, he finally managed to get the phone off me. He held me down with one arm and tried to unlock the phone with his other hand.



"Did you change your password?"

"Maybe." I giggled, feeling evil.

"You do realise that it's the rules that Hunter and I get to know your password." He smirked.

"Hunter knows it."

"You're still breaking the rules."

"I don't care." I shrugged.

"I guess I'll have to take away your phone then."

"What?!" I exclaimed. It wasn't funny anymore.

"Rules are rules baby." He smirked.

"Jaxon!" I yelled as he got up to put my phone on the highest shelf in the kitchen. I obviously couldn't reach unless I climbed up, which he knew. "That's not fair!"

"Too bad." He laughed. "I might consider giving it back if you tell me what made you scream but otherwise, you'll have to wait for Hunter."

"Wait for me for what?" Hunter smiled, walking into the kitchen.

"Jaxon took my phone!" I whined, running over to him and jumping on his back.

"Jax, give it back."

"She wouldn't tell me what her password was since she changed it." He complained, being just as much of a baby as I was.

"What did you need to see?"

"She was squealing."

"What was it?" Hunter asked me, putting me down.

"Do I have to tell you now?" I frowned.

"Yes." He said seriously, thinking it was bad.

"What would you say if...I maybe got an award."

"For what?" Hunter smiled.

"Academics." I grinned, letting him pick me up and spin me around.

"Good job baby!" He laughed, kissing my cheek.

"No way." Jaxon glared. "You're lying."

"Nuh-uh." I laughed. "But we can do the tree now! Hunter's back!" I got down from Hunter's hold and ran over to the decorations. Bailey followed me as I started opening the box which had the fake Christmas tree in it. "Lachie! Olli! Get your big butts down here!" I yelled.

Hunter and Jaxon laughed as Lachie and Olli listened to me and came downstairs.

"Oi." Olli came around the back of me and gently pulled my ponytail so that my head was facing to the sky. "What'd you say?"

"Nothing." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. Soon after Hunter, Lachie and Jaxon were also all helping to put up the tree. Then we did the lights, which I let the boys do since I always got too frustrated trying to untangle them.

"Can I go put the wreath on the door whilst you do that?" I asked.

"Sure." Hunter nodded.

"Don't do the tinsel without me." I eyed them all as they smirked. I quickly grabbed a hook and the wreath before going outside.

I could hear a lot of loud noise, but there were often people walking past so I didn't think much of it, until I heard a loud whistle. I didn't think it was to me, until the noise started getting closer.

"Get locked out pretty one?" Asked a huge guy, looking me up and down. He had tattoos all over his arms and was even bigger than Hunter.

I ignored him and continued to put the wreath up.

"Aw, being quiet, are we?" He cooed, whilst all his mates laughed. He moved closer to the house, and I was even more worried since the driveway gate was open, so he could easily come a lot closer to me. "I won't hurt you. Why don't you just come play with us for a bit?"

Someone inside must have realised I was taking a really long time, so the door opened, and Olli came out.

"Livi, what..." He paused, looking up with a stone-cold face. "Inside, right now."

I ran inside with no hesitations, ready to burst into tears.

"Hunter!" Olli yelled and Hunter rushed to him, quickly followed by Jaxon.

"Stay with her, Lachie." Jaxon instructed before running out the door behind Olli and Jaxon.

I burst into tears once Lachie grabbed me.

"Hey, hey, hey," He tried to stop me from crying. "What happened?"

"C-creepy guys." I sobbed into his chest.

"Shhhh." He rubbed my back as I cried and trembled. I was frightened easily already, but this just sent me over the top.

"Where are they?" I asked once I realised that Hunter, Jaxon and Olli were with them.

"Don't worry about that right now. You're safe and that's all that matters." Lachie held me tighter. 

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