38) Welcome Home

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I was lying on the couch with Jaxon watching TV when I heard a loud car horn go off outside. I immediately knew what it was, so I leapt up from the couch and ran to the front door. I flung it open and darted outside, just in time for Hunter to shut his car door.

Without saying any words, I jumped straight into his arms making him stumble. He didn't drop me at least.

"Hey there baby!" He smiled, pulling me higher and closer on his body, whilst I tucked into his neck, enjoying his usual smell. Some fancy cologne he liked.

"Hi." I mumbled into his neck.

"Hunt!" Exclaimed Jaxon, finally arriving. Slow coach.

"Hunter's here!" I heard someone shout from inside. Hunter went with me still on his front to get his bags out of the boot whilst Jaxon helped him. He went inside, where Olli, Eli and Lachie were all standing.

"Hey boys." Said Hunt.

"Hey." Lachie said.

"You're back! Finally." Groaned Olli. Hunter took it as a bad thing and jumped to conclusions straight away.

"Why? Was Jaxon really that bad?" Hunt said.

"NO!" Jaxon yelled. By the sounds of it he punched Olli too, because I heard him yelp.

"They were all really good." Eli butted in. "So, how was your trip?"

"My trip was great, actually. We saw all the high courts and places where we could end up if we worked hard enough and were willing hard enough to work for. But I'm glad to be home. I missed everyone, including this baby." Hunter said, squeezing me tight and making me giggle. I felt like such a baby around him, but I guess it didn't help they all treated me like one too.

"Did you bring me anything?" I asked, suddenly shooting my head up.

"No." He said seriously, putting on his blank face. All my brothers and Eli and Harvey all had this magical skill where they could hide all emotion from their voice and face. I tried but it never worked since they all seemed to be able to read me like a book, apart from Lachie because he was too ignorant.

"Oh." I said, disappointed. He grinned as soon as he saw my fallen expression.

"Of course I did!" He said, having obviously tricked me.

Olli scoffed and muttered something along the lines of, "You're so gullible." I rolled my eyes at that but turned my attention back to Hunter.

"Can I have it?" I eagerly asked, bouncing up and down in his arms.

"Later. I need food." He said, trying to put me down. He tried to untangle my legs from his torso, but wasn't really trying, since he could have easily peeled me off of him with the strength he had. He sighed and gave a knowing look to Jaxon which I didn't understand. Jaxon took a quick step towards us and started furiously tickling my sides. I reacted straight away and let go of Hunter, dropping into Jaxon's arms whilst Hunter made a quick escape to the kitchen. Before I even realised what was fully happening, Jaxon had me restrained and Hunter was getting himself whatever appeased his appetite.

"Let me go!!!!!" I screamed.

"No can-do baby. Strict orders to keep you here." Smirked Jaxon.

"No one said anything to you!" I protested.

"Doesn't need to be said. Everyone knows it."

"Ugh! Kamu bodoh sekali!" (You're so stupid!) I spat the words in his face, only making him laugh.

"Um Hunter!" He called. "We upset the baby this time. She's speaking in a different language!"

"Saya dating Livi!" (I'm coming Livi!) Hunter called to me, then appearing and laughing at us. "Kamu kedua lucu sekali!" (You're both really cute!) He smiled, pinching my cheeks and making me frown.

Jaxon let me go and I stomped away, into the living room. Lachie and Olli were sitting watching TV, so I went and plonked myself in Olli's lap.

"Why me?" He asked, not impressed.

"They're mean." I huffed, laying my back against his chest.

"What? Coz they restrained you?" He laughed. "You would never let go of Hunt if they didn't."

"Hmph. You're just like them." I growled, standing up again. Both of the boys had spread themselves entirely over the couch, and I didn't feel like sitting on the floor, or near Olli's feet. I went over to Lachie and stood in front of him, smiling gently and giving him huge puppy dogs eyes. Before I could even speak he jumped in, not even looking at me.


"Why not?" I whined, banging my knees on the couch.

"Coz you're too bony!" He exclaimed, still focussed on the TV.

"Am not!" I said, then plonked myself in his lap anyway. He was only 2 years older than me, hence why we don't get along, but he was still so much bigger than me. I seriously think my parent's genes failed when they got to me. No height and no muscle.

"Ugh." Groaned Lachie, sighing but letting me stay there anyway. I don't remember a time when I was this close to him, apart from the rare times I got a hug, this was new. He wasn't as strong as the rest of the boys, but no where near being weak.

Jaxon and Hunter then came into the room and gaped at the sight.

"What?" I asked innocently, even though I knew exactly what they were looking at.

"Poor Lachie! He ended up with you!" Jaxon said, collapsing on the couch in laughter.

"I didn't want her to sit here, but she did it anyway." Lachie grumbled. Thanks for ruining it boys. I got up from his lap, glared at all of them and left the room.

I didn't want to go to my room since that was boring but wanted comfort. They were all being mean, and Hunter only just got back! I decided to go into Hunter's room, and found his bag sitting on the bed. I smiled when I saw it, then unzipped it and dumped everything out onto the bed. Not the neatest, but I found what I wanted. His pile of t-shirts sat half-folded on the bed, and I sifted through until I found one I liked and that smelt like him. It had Gucci written on the front, but I knew it was fake since he would never spend $550 on a t-shirt, even if it was from such a huge label. Just as I slipped it on I heard footsteps outside the door, so I leapt into his bed, sliding deep under the covers.

"Why's there such a big lump in my bed?" Asked I voice who I recognised as Hunter himself. "Let's see." He said as he stepped closer. My breathing hitched in fear.

He poked me in the side and I jerked away.

"Oh! It moves!"

He then poked and prodded me anywhere he knew he would get a reaction, then ripped back the covers.

"Livi!" He smiled, faking surprise. I just held my arms out and grinned, so he lay next to me and engulfed me in one of his big hugs.

"I missed you." I sighed.

"Missed you too baby." He chuckled. Finally, he's home.

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