Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Alison was walking with Gwen and Tatianna when they passed by Leah, her head down, tormented by the awful words spat at her by almost everyone at school. Alison was still furious that she does not bother clearing the misinterpreted story regarding Leah. She led the story flows and words thrown over a fortnight, internally feeling conflicted with the emotions she felt. She was furious to the backstabbing measures and her ungrateful state nevertheless also sympathized with her, hearing the accusations thrown at her longest ex-friend. Everything changed when she received a picture message of a topless Leah with the phrase 'the school whore for sale'. Soon there was a commotion by the gym. Alison had a terrible feeling so she rushed towards the gym.

"Understand that, slut!" Tatianna roared stomping away with the group of friends leaving Leah behind with her head facing sideways with her hair tumbling down covering most part of her face, her palm holding her right cheek.

Alison quickly rushed towards Leah who was now standing alone, tears streaming down her reddened cheek.

"Oh God, Leah. Are you alright? What happened? Come on, now. Let's get away from here." Alison pulled her distraught friend into her arms and walked them out of the gym. She noticed how Leah became quieter and more distant from everyone else ever since the rumors started. She hated how she allowed things to escalate this far.

"I'm sorry, they shouldn't have called you those names. I was angry and I allowed things to escalate into this far." Alison started, knowing how terrible it must have been for Leah.

"I... I saw the picture. I'm sorry, Leah." She continued.

"I thought he really cared about me..." Leah said in a very low, despaired voice.

"Who is?"

"Damien." Her voice trailed with disgust.

"Damien? Tatianna's Damien? Why would you hang out with him? What happened exactly?"

"You know how they're having an on and off relationship. He said that he had enough of it and he won't go back to her anymore. And he so happened to be there when I needed someone the most." She said looking away.

"I'm sorry. I know I've gone way out of line and I shouldn't have let them spread gossip about you like that..."

"It's alright. I deserve it anyway."

"Don't say that. What happened?"

"He was there when I was alone, when I was lost. I don't know what to do. I was wrong to do what I did to you. I was just angry and disappointed. But I guess he took advantage of me, when I was most vulnerable. The worst part was that I believed him. He was so caring and attentive when I needed him." She shook her head.

"Why would he spread that picture of you?"

"I don't know..."

Their relationship resumed even though not to how it used to be but it was better than how it was. Leah was more reserved, more distant, more quiet. She was ashamed, self-conscious and depressed by the terrible rumors circulated. No matter what she said could not change what was branded of her and Alison was oppressed by the fact that she started everything. This continued for over a few weeks. While Alison was given the role that Leah left for the ballet performance, Leah was more depressed and alone.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. He's a jerk. A total jerk! My dad said that we can't really sue him because we can't proof that he was the one blasting those pictures. At least he got suspended for those nasty things he said about you. Oh, Leah." She tried to comfort her.

"God Ally! You didn't hear it when he said that I was begging for him! Or what Tatianna said in the hallway in front of everyone that she was just proving to everyone that I was the whore they said I am. Gosh! I was so stupid to believe him! I'm such an idiot! How can I fall for that! And I can never retrieve those pictures back." She yelled out in frustration.

"What am I going to do? Each day I'm always haunted by that one stupid picture and everyone never missed a day reminding me what I am." She exclaimed.

The picture of topless Leah was spread like wildfire throughout the school. People continuously spit nasty comments towards her to her face and through social media. It went on for some time which was beginning to take a toll on her, she was cyber bullied, verbally bullied and sexually bullied. It went on for months while Leah moped and be depressed, Alison could not do anything much but try to be there for her, partially feeling guilty. Tried to make them stop the harassment and the bullying but not everyone complied. At the same time, Alison was busy with her ballet practices that she had to attend, leaving Leah feeling more depressed.

One day, Alison went over to Leah's place with a box of pizza. However, Leah was not in the mood to talk or even meet Alison and they got into a huge fight.

"Do you even know what they're saying to me? No! You don't! They're always comparing me to the perfect, beautiful, smart, talented Alison. You're the reason why they kept on tormenting me! You started this whole mess the moment you open your big mouth to Tatianna and Gwen! It's all because of you!"

"Don't you dare blame it all on me." She whispered unable to fathom what she was hearing.

"Yes, you! It's all because of you! You're the most selfish person I know! You didn't even think about me! You've not once considered how I felt!"

"I stood by you, Leah." She countered.

"And look where you are now! You're always busy with your practices, too busy for your big performance. Too busy keeping up with your popular status with those bitches. You don't have the slightest idea how I feel. You never did! Not since Freshman, not ever! You didn't know how they tormented me. I stood by you all through Freshman. Still being your friend, listening to your shit! While you don't even give a damn!" She was bawling her pain out.

"You can't blame me for everything that happened to you! It was just one stupid mistake which you caused in the first place as well! And throughout freshman, I've tried to reach out to you but the one who chose to be more reserved and you wouldn't tell me anything. So stop blaming me for everything that is happening in your life now!" She defended herself, not accepting that she was the cause of all her friend's misery.

"I was the stupid one. I was the bullied. While you're busy being popular, you're busy styling your clothes, you're too busy making people to like you even more, you're too busy flirting with all the boys, you're too busy with yourself. I hate you! Everything happened because of you! Those pictured will still be there forever because of you! I lost my virginity because of you! I will always be tormented because of the damn picture because of you! I was-"

"Stop it! Stop blaming me for the stupid mistakes you did. Don't blame me for what you are. I tried to understand you, Leah. I always had your back and defended you! All through these years! Me! You were the one who was jealous! You're the one who simply can't accept that people like me more than you! You're the dumb one to-. Don't you dare place the blame on me now!" She retorted, hesitating to continue her malice words regarding Damien.

"Get out! Get the hell out of my house! I don't need another person to insult or disparage me any further! Especially from you!" She screamed.

"I feel sorry for you. You're in this state because of yourself. Now you're pushing the only one person who stood by you, all because of your own stupid self." She opened the door and left. Leaving a more depressed Leah lost in her own thoughts only to return two days later with the horrific scene.

"She killed herself because of me, Jason. I pushed her to the edge and caused her to take her own life. She's not here because of me! If only I was not too self-centered. If only I was more sensitive. If only I was not thinking too much about the performance. If only I wasn't that angry. If only I would be more patient with her. If only I was more understanding. If only I didn't snap at her that night." She continued to wept while he tried to comfort her not knowing what to say or think anymore.

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