Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

After the game ended with their school team winning the score, Zoe forced Alison to grab dinner together with the rest of the group except Jason, for obvious reason. This has bothered her so much that Jason was pulling away from the group because she was with them. She thought of slowly withdrawing herself from the group but Zoe and Layla were constantly bugging her each time, consistently showing up in front of her, probably wanting making sure that she was alright with the break up. 

They walked together to the carpark when she saw Jason walking alone with his gym bag slumped over his shoulder, completely blocking out everyone else.

"Hey Jay, let's grab dinner together!" Corey called out forcing her to quicken her steps with her heart pounding loudly, afraid that it might explode.

"Nah, you guys go ahead. I'm off." Jason briefly replied leaving them quickly. The stabbing in her chest worsen as she heard his voice. Even for short phrases, she missed him. Clenching her fist, digging her thumb nail into her skin hoping that the pain in her heart would magically be replaced with the pain on her skin instead. This is what you wanted, Alison! Deal with it! It's for the best. He's better off without you. I missed him. Clenching her jaws, she tried to ignore the throbbing pain in her chest, swallowing the huge lump in her throat, ignoring the fact that her heart was aching knowing that he was out of her reach.

The following week had been the same, Layla and Zoe still tried to make sure Alison was doing alright while Jason had been making sure she was invincible to him.

During lunch break, Alison went to her locker, placing the books inside when she saw another purple envelope fell from it. Her heart beat started to race knowing the familiar letter. Picking it from the floor, she scanned to look around wondering who had placed it inside. Opened the letter, bracing herself for what she was about to read which was written in the similar italic letters.

Changing what you wear doesn't change you truly are. It will still be your fault!

Your long-lost best friend,


Take deep breath in, deep breath out. Calm yourself. You know that someone is trying to play sick trick on you. Deep breath. Inhale deeply, exhale.

She tried to control her breathing when suddenly someone snatched the letter from her hand.

"Changing what you wear doesn't change what you truly are. It will still be your fault. Your long-lost best friend, Leah. It is true, changing your clothes doesn't change who you are. Now, what did you do exactly, dork?" Amber chirped as she read the letter out loud causing a commotion in the hallway.

"Who is Leah? Your long-lost best friend. Wow, bet she was glad not being friends with you anymore. I'm very sure you're such a terrible friend. What did you do? Boy, she really hated you, blaming it on you. Leah. Leah. That name sounded awfully familiar." She taunted fanning herself with the envelope making her heart to quicken its pace again. Don't let it get you. Deep breath.

"Leah, the name sounded so familiar. Are you alright, Ally?" Mia asked.

"Keep it." She slammed her locker door walking away from her, knowing that she will eventually break down if she continued to stay and listen. As she walked, she passed by Jason who was by his locker watching the whole scene. He just stood there, listening! Who am I kidding? Of course, he won't defend you anymore. You've hurt him and now you're nothing to him.

"Who's Leah? Does she go to our school?" Asked the girl standing beside Jason who noticed Alison's reddened eyes which was filled with tears that were ready to fall as she walked passes them.

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