Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"That chick was totally checking me out, right?" Corey smirked at Zoe who only scoffed in disgust.

"Or perhaps you were hoping that she did." Layla teased clinging her arms around Shane.

"She totally is. Damn, I should've gotten her number. If only I still got my wingman." Corey added looking sideways towards Jason who was too busy ignoring him.

"Yeah, totally... totally not." Alison taunted.

"Why am I hanging out with you guys, really?" Corey riled.

"Because we are the only people who can really tolerate you, my dear Corndog." Alison grinned wrapping her arms around his shoulder, or tried to, since he was much taller than her.

"Let go of me. I don't want to get punched in the face by your bodyguard, Newbie." He shrugged dramatically making them to all laughed. It had been a while since they went out together as a group and they were glad when Layla insisted that they all went to catch a movie together. After movie and dinner, they bid their goodbyes and went to their respective cars.

"Where to, Princess?" Jason asked holding her hand.

"Wherever as long as I'm with you." She smiled showing off her sweet innocent smile without her thick glasses anymore. She had learnt to be comfortable without it although she still had her hair pin up and her clothes were still the usual sweatshirt and jeans.

"That's cheesy. But I like it." He smiled back. They drove off spending their time at their usual spot by the lake.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking at him holding onto a key scratching something on the wooden seat of the bench that they were sitting on.

"Officially marking this as our bench." He smirked continuing scratching the surface.

"Isn't that vandalism?" She gasped as he responded with a chuckle.

"Barely vandalism if it's adding artistic touch to this bench. There." He blew away the few wooden dusts and leaned back admiring his masterpiece of their initials joined together creatively.

"I think I like this place even more now." She looked at him as he beamed of satisfaction.

The following Monday arrived, Alison walked from her car to the school building meeting Jason and Corey along the way. Together they walked to their lockers getting the needed books for the day. As Alison unlocked her locker and opened the door, she saw a purple envelope inside the locker. What's this? Puzzled, she took the envelope in her hand, looking around wondering who placed it inside, she concluded that it was not from Jason as he seemed too calm and oblivious to what was going on. She opened the envelope and took out the letter attached to it. The simple and short letter was printed in italic that sends shiver down her spine, making her hands tremble and cold.

How's the new school feels like without me, Ally?

Missing me much?


What. Who? Why! The only words she could form in her clouded mind. She started to scan around her, panic evident on her pallid face. Recognize that you are having a panic attack is the first step. She recalled her psychiatrist said and yes, she was going into a panic attack session if she does not compose herself soon. Take a deep breath, count to three and blow out slowly. Her breath was shaky, cold droplets forming on her forehead and the floor seemed to be unbalanced. Deep breath in, deep breath out. What the hell is going on! Why is Leah's name on this letter! Her mind went back to the horrific scene about a year ago.

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