Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

"Can I have some Oreo donut too, please?" Said the shy little blonde-haired girl in her yellow dress with two ponytails.

"Of course, Leah. You can even have two if you behave well." Mrs. Brooke told her as she placed the donuts on each plate placing them on the table.

"Mom, I want two too! Two-too, funny!" The girl with the wavy and wild auburn-haired girl giggled, together with her best friend. They used to spend time at Alison's house since Leah's parents were always busy working until the late night. Mrs. Brooke would always pick them up at their school, let her play with Alison and then send her back after dinner, after she had changed into her pajamas and ready to sleep. Sometimes, Mrs. Brooke would also take Liam along but he would prefer to play at his neighbor's house. Alison was glad to finally have someone else to play with instead of herself. Although Leah was more of a quiet and shy person, she bonded well with Alison who tend to do most of the talking, making her friend laugh along the way.

As they grew older, they remained inseparable and stayed the best of friends who understood each other, knew each of their secrets and what each of their likes and dislikes. Mrs. Brooke even signed them both for their first ballet lessons together, which turned out to be their passion even until they were teenagers.

"Oh my God! I can't believe we're going to be Freshman soon! I'm so excited, Leah!" She exclaimed as they painted their nails together in her lavender themed room.

"Me too! We've always been talking about it and gosh, time flies. We're officially teenagers, Ally. I just hope my boobs are still developing and not stop blooming at this flat pancake state." She teased making them both to laugh.

"Leah, your boobs are fine. And you better listen to me, don't let the other kids talk bad about you, don't even give them the chance. You just need to be more confident, don't be shy. We're going to be Freshman, you know what it means? A fresh start. So, are you ready?" The two girls squealed like a general school girl.

The two girls begin their Freshman year with excitement and anticipation. Alison was able to make new friends, socialize and not surprisingly became quite popular among the kids in school. She always dressed fashionably with her desirable long, silky, wavy auburn hair and her signature smile. She was easy-going and approachable by people which was one of the main reasons why people really liked her. Another reason was the queue of popular boys, including the seniors, who have been trying to ask her out but were always turned down.

"Hey Al, want to catch a movie later on? You know how Sean kept asking for you and wondering if we could all go together. I've an extra ticket already." Gwen asked squeezing her way beside Alison, slightly bumping Leah to the side, taking her place in the middle of them.

"I'm not sure. I've told him to just be friends." She hesitated.

"And we are just going as friends where he happens to come along. So, I'll pick you up at five?" She teased.

"I guess sure why not. You coming, Leah?" She turned to her quiet friend.

"Sorry, the car won't fit if Leah comes along. But we can just meet you there if you want to tag along." She turned her attention to Leah.

"It's fine. You guys just go ahead." Leah replied.

"Are you sure? My mom could just drop us off if you wanted to." Alison said but the slight elbow tug from Gwen to Leah discouraged her to agree on the offer.

"Great, so I'll see you later, Al!" Gwen bid her goodbye and left the two of them alone again.

"Anyway, will you be auditioning for the upcoming ballet event? I really, really, really, really, really hope I can get the part of Maya." Alison twisted both of her two fingers on her two hands whilst closing her eyes.

"No, I don't think so. I don't really follow the storyline and anyway I'll have to work that day." She shrugged.

Alison had been practicing extra hours for the audition and as the day of the audition arrives, she was more nervous to have to go through it alone, without Leah, who was usually there to audition with her. A week after the audition, she was shocked to find out that not only did she not get the role she wanted, the person who got the part was Leah who didn't even auditioned.

"I changed my mind and I am not even sure whether I'll get the part or not, that's why I didn't tell you. I'm sorry that I got the part instead." Leah pleaded, her hands holding onto Alison's as she confronted her.

"It's fine. I just wish that you'd tell me and not doing it furtively. Nonetheless, I'm happy for you. I knew you're an amazing dancer, Leah." She offered her a soft genuine smile, though she felt the disappointment seeping in for not getting the part as one of the demi soloist dancer.

During one of the practices as Alison was walking through the hallway to the bathroom, she caught aa glimpse of Leah together in a room with their choreographer, standing inappropriately and uncomfortably close to each other, teasing flirtingly in a way. Alison took a double look at the scene in front of her, confirming that it was indeed Leah. Her thoughts scrambled through with all the endless possibilities, mostly negative but decided to kept in to herself. Soon, rumors were circling around about Leah flirting with their choreographer to get her role as Maya. Alison decided to ask Leah regarding the matter which she strongly denied, feeling offended along the way where she distant herself from their friendship.

"What are you doing? Why do you quit all of sudden? You can't just quit in the middle of this. We're only a few weeks away from the performance, Leah. You cannot back down now." Alison addressed in irate.

"I lied..." She trailed.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I did ask Allen to help me get the role of Maya..." She lowered her head looking to her feet, unable to face the truth.

"What? Help you, how?" Alison asked, her voice low and stern.

"I may have led him to think that I'm... available, if he gives me the role that I asked... and he... he wanted me to fulfil my part of the bargain... so I quit." She said almost in a whisper.

"What. You... Are you out of your mind, Leah? You knew how he is. You've heard the rumors about him towards the girls here. You! Out of all people, you, Leah? Why would you even do that? I worked my ass off every single day for that role and you knew that!" Alison was fuming.

"I know. That's why I did it!" She returned in the similar tone.

"What? Why?"

"Why? You're supposed to be my friend and yet you just stood there with your mouth shut when everyone ridiculed me. You left me. All your promises to go through freshman year together, new start, it's all bullshit. You're always too busy with Gwen and Tatianna, too busy with the jock of the school, too busy building your own social status." She spat.

"How could you even say that! I've always asked you but you're the one who kept on bailing out. You're always there with us. And to think that you'd do this because of what... you're jealous?"

"Jealous? I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you! You made it perfectly clear how insignificant I am to everyone!"

"What did I even do? Are you out of your mind? Don't blame it on me! I always try to always be there for you, Leah and you know it! I've always asked you along. How could you do that to me after all I've done for you!"

The argument heated for the next few minutes, ending with an abrupt end to their friendship. Alison was furious when she called Gwen spilling every little detail to what happened without realizing how the story spread throughout the whole school overnight, the story changed and worsen by the words as it was passed on. The next day, Leah was walking the hallway alone when she heard whispers of the words thrown at her: Whore. Slut. Bitch.

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