Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"Hey, I'll be leaving on Thursday. I've been called back for service." Liam sighed placing his hands-on Leah's shoulder.

"But I don't want you to go." She whined.

"I know. I wanted to stay but duty calls. I can't turn them down. You know that." He reasoned.

"I know." She sighed.

"Don't be sad. You know I'm just a phone call away. I'll still be here for you. You still got me. You got Ally." He patted her shoulder as she just slowly nodded feeling defeated.

"Just stay alive." She creased her eyebrows letting her tears to fall.

"Of course. I've a superpower, remember? I'll be fine."

"I won't see you for at least another year. I'm going to miss you so much." She continued to cry while he pulled her into his arms.

"I know. And I'm going to miss you so much too." He hugged her tenderly.

"Go back to your classes, rubbernecks!" Zoe shouted to the group of students that gathered around Alison's locker trying to look at another picture of her in her Sabrina crop top and short shorts sitting and laughing on Liam's shoulder as he held both his arms out securing them on either side of her waist. This time, there was another blonde petite girl laughing along with them gripping onto Liam's arm. Her eyes were sparkling with joy, how she missed those eyes. It was also written the note in bold red.

What did you do to her that he didn't know?

"What is her point exactly?" She sighed holding the picture in her hand, her eyes lingered longer at the girl in the picture.

"Is this your friend from your old school?" Layla asked looking at the picture as well.

"Yeah." She then focused on the bold words written on the picture. I caused her death...

"What exactly happened to her? Did he know what you did?" Mia said sarcastically pretending to be shocked, making the people to gather back around her locker.

"I don't have to explain anything." She said firmly, or trying to, as her heart beats faster, afraid how they would react after knowing the truth.

"Oh, you have much explaining to do. Leah-"

"Leave her out of this. Torment me all you want. Bring Liam all you want. Leave her out of it!" She seethed, frustrated.

"Touchy subject, I see. What would Liam think of you if he knew what you did to his little sister." Mia smirked.

"He's fine with it. We just met a few weeks ago. What else do you wish to know, nosy pants? You really adore me so much that you need to know everything about me? Is your life too boring? Nobody paid enough attention to you? Get your own life!" She rebuffed, bumping her along the way as she walked away. Meeting his chocolate brown eyes as she passed, quickly averting her gaze, ashamed to publicly admit meeting Liam behind his back.

"What would Jason think if he knew what you did, Alison?" Mia shouted making Alison to turn around staring straight into his inquisitive brown eyes.

"He can think what he wants." She said flatly, defeatedly yet sternly and left.

What would Jason think if he knew what I did? He would never look at me the same way again. I still hate him for saying those things at the party yet I still miss him so much. How can I be able to miss and hate him at the same time? I've officially lost my mind.

"Gosh. Watch it." Jason scowled.

"Excuse me! You bumped into me." Alison rebuffed.

"I was standing here the whole time." He defended.

"You tried to catch the ball and so was I. You moved from where you stood." She affirmed.

"Stay at your side." He stated.

"Gladly, if you stay at yours as well." She added.

They moved from their positions. In fact, they bumped into each other again, numerous times. They continued playing dodgeball during gym lesson. Little did their teacher knew, they thought that it might be a good idea to put them in one team. Consequently, she tried to avoid the ball, as was he and they both ended up bumping into each other.

"I said stay at your post!" He retorted.

"And you're supposed to stay at your post too, Jason!" She barked back not liking that he was purposely picking on her. They continued to bicker a few times until the game was over and were dismissed to change. Along the way, Layla was walking with Alison to the changing room where they passed Tristan who glowered at Alison but she refused to cower or look away, she does not want him to think that she was afraid of him although in fact she was a little, no, quite, no, was to a certain extent, afraid of him. He purposely reached his hands out blocking the girls of their way.

"Move." Alison barked but he did not budge, boring his eyes straight at her that he did not realize someone had walked right behind the girls.

"Get the hell out of the way, you're blocking." Jason seethed between clenched teeth making Tristan to snap out of his intense glare towards Alison and reluctantly removed his arm from their way and walked away. The girls turned to the source of his voice but he ignored them and walk straight to the boys' changing room as if nothing happened. Deep inside, she was grateful for him to be there and made Tristan moved, another small part of her hoped that he did that on purpose to protect her, but she knew better than to let her hopes up too high only to be disappointed.

"Thank you so much for letting me use the studio, Madam Moreau. I really appreciate it." Alison thanked the warm yet stern woman.

"You can use it as long as you need. Especially after adding the extra work, it already paid off the hourly fee." She joked.

"Just needed to keep myself busy. Thank you once again, Madam Moreau."

"Vous êtes les bienvenus, Alison." (You're welcome.)

Alison changed back into her loose T-shirt and jeans, since the weather was getting too warm to be wearing long sleeves. Changed the plasters on her feet, she put on her shoe, staggered to her feet and hobbled out towards her favorite café already craving her favorite chicken pie which she failed to purchase the last time. Please don't let me bump into Jason today, I really want that pie! Thanking her lucky star, she bought her chicken pie and hobbled back towards her car which was parked quite a distant.

"No! You're kidding me! Ugh, gosh!" She cursed between gritted teeth to herself as she watched the paper bag flew from her hands to the ground, the pie rolling a few inches away from the bag, almost wanting to mourn on her fallen pie. Then, she heard a faint chuckle from behind. That person dares to laugh at my misfortune! Turning her back, she saw Jason striding behind her with an annoying smirk on his face. Grabbing the fallen paper bag and picking up the pace, she tried to contain the stinging pain of her feet, hissing and cursing every so often which he noticed as he watched, purposely walking behind her. Annoyed that he seemed to be following her even though she parked her car very far from the workshop, she stopped her step, turning to her back ready to spit fire to him.

"Stop following me!" She snapped, irked by the stinging pain of her feet, of her crushed pie and mostly because he seemed to enjoy her agony she heard faint chuckle each time she hissed. He did not reply but simply raised his brow, aimed towards his car which was a few rows beside hers. Damn.

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