Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Alison tied her hair into a bun and packed her things inside the bag, wearing her comfortable white jeans and sweater, welcoming the beginning of the new season. Winter is her second favorite season, after spring, but when the wind started blowing piercing through her bones, it completely became her worst. Alison ambled down the stairs where her mother was already sitting on the kitchen stool reading her newspaper.

"First day of work. Excited?" Her mother asked folding the newspaper neatly.

"No, since I've been forced into this. If I had a choice, I'd rather work at McDonalds. At least I could get free nugget or chocolate sundae or something." Alison sighed slumping on the chair beside her mother placing her head on the table.

"Oh, stop whining. Remember what your psychiatrist advised? It might be good for you to continue your passion instead of dropping it just like that."

"When I'm ready, mom. She said when I am ready, and honestly, I'm not ready. This is me being forced into doing things I'm not ready for. I don't even know if I can go through the day today." She continued to groan, aggravated by her mother's persistence.

"Just give today a chance, please. I promise if you're not comfortable with it, we'll not continue and I'll talk to Jennifer immediately."

"Fine." She sighed.

"Just remember, stop blaming yourself for what happened. It was truly unfortunate but it happened and there's nothing we can do about it." Her mother placed her hand on hers squeezing it.

"Yeah." She grabbed a Nutella sandwich on the table and took a bite, chewing lazily.

"Right, are you ready? I'll drop you off." Her mother stood up taking the car keys from the kitchen counter, insisting to drop her off at the studio since it was just a few blocks away from where she works. They got in the car, drove to the studio which only took approximately twenty minutes-drive. Alison stepped out of the car and walked into the four-stories brownstone building. Climbed to the second floor where she will start her first trial of work. She was greeted by an elderly woman at the reception who looked up giving her a warm smile.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" The kind elderly woman said behind her glasses.

"Hi, I'm Alison Brooke, I'm looking for Madam Jennifer Moreau, I'm here for the part time job as the assistant teacher here." She said.

"Oh, right. Alison. Come with me, dear." She stood up from the chair and walked towards the narrow path, opened the door on the left which showed a huge empty studio with full length mirror throughout the four walls.

"Alison! How are you my dear? I hope you still remember me. It's been ages." The petite middle-aged blonde haired lady walked in and gave her a hug.

"Of course, Madam Moreau. How can I forget my very first amazing teacher who taught me everything?" Alison hugged her petite body, exchanging a few greetings before she was explained the details of the work.

"Right, you will be helping me to teach the kids, there will be two classes today. The first group will arrive in another half an hour, then followed by another group of kids. Do ask me if you have any inquiry or you may also ask Mrs. Alby. I'm here if you need me, Ally. Just inform me if you find any... difficulty or anything. No pressure but you do know how I feel about discipline." Madam Moreau gently placed her hands on her shoulder giving her assurance.

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I'll... try my best."

"Alright, you may change first. The changing room is at the end of the hall. I'll leave you to it. This will be where your class will be held. You're an amazing dancer, Alison. I've so much faith in you." She gave her one last look and left the room. Alison changed into her white tights, black leotard and ballet shoes.

"Straighten your arms and hold your position!" Madam Moreau demanded while Leah and Alison tried their best to hold their position despite the burning sensation along their thighs, calves, biceps, abs, triceps and every other parts of their body.

"Very good. That's it for today. Class is dismissed." Madam Moreau stated while the other kids sighed in relief.

"I'm having a long, long hot bath after this lesson today." Alison groaned.

"Second that sister."

"Though I am excited to get our first pointe shoes! Can you believe it? It's like graduation towards professional danseuse." Alison joked arrogantly but Leah remained quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'll have to postpone on getting the pointe shoes. You know my parents can't afford them in short notice and my savings is still not enough either." Leah sighed.

"No, we promised to get them together! You can use some of my savings. Take it as a loan if it makes you feel bad taking it, though I don't mind. Come on, I insist!" Alison pleaded.

Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm her nerves, staring at her reflection for the first time in the familiar outfit since the incident. Her passion to be a ballet dancer had been apparent but quickly put to a halt when that happened. Now, studying herself in front of the full-length mirror made her heart clenched, reminding her of things she wished to forget.

I can't do this.

Deep breath, Alison. You can do it. You'll have to get over it eventually.

But it doesn't feel right that I'm here and she's...

It's just simple basic lessons. Nothing serious. I'm just teaching the kids a few positions.

You can do it. Deep breath. You got this!

Alison walked into the empty room where her class will commence, taking in the familiar atmosphere where she spent most of her after school hours. Taking deep breaths, she started to do her routine warm up. Soon little children started to assemble and the class was starting.

"Hi there, how are you, my young ballerinas? I am Alison Brooke, you can just call me Ally. I will be assisting Madam Moreau in teaching you girls today. Now, can we start by telling me all your names? Maybe starting with you, dear." Alison gave her best smile, looking at their cute tutu outfit and small giggles which helped her to relax.

The first and second session of the class went perfectly, thankfully there were no crying or accidents during the class. In fact, the kids were amazing and Alison felt proud of herself from the trial. Even Madam Moreau complimented her after observing her from the glass window by the door and was accepted to continue the job. She changed back into her clothes and walked out of the studio hoping to find a cozy café while waiting for her mother so off she walked when she saw a familiar person walking towards her with a smug on his face.

"Really? Now I really think you're following me. First at the lake, now here?" She smiled at Jason.

"Or the universe simply wants us to keep on bumping into each other. So, this is the studio that you're working at? Which floor?" Jason asked.

"Second, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Dropping off my sister for her violin lesson in the same building as yours. She's at the third floor. Plus, I help out at the workshop over there once in a while. They'd call me when there's a car that needed tuning." He shrugged simply pointing to the blue workshop by the corner.

"What a coincidence, huh?" She agitated, afraid that he might find out that she was actually teaching ballet at the studio. Not wanting anyone to know about it and hoped that they would not link and question about her past, a nerd doing ballet was not something that sounds conventional.

"So, what are you doing now?" He asked.

"Looking for a place to wait while my mom come to pick me up."

"Come on." He gestured to follow him and they went to sit by the small café just across the street, talking for hours until she was picked up again by her mother. The day turned out to be surprisingly pleasant. 

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