Chapter 25

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The pain in Kennedy's eyes hurt me inside. I hated that she was going through this pain and all I wanted to do was stop her pain, but now that the moon was up there was no stopping this. I knew that doing the transfer spell now would only cause more pain to her. I tried getting to her, but Julian got in my way.

"I think you have something that belongs to me." He said.

"I don't think so," I said pushing him away. He grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.

"I see a lot of power behind those eyes, such power wasted on a witch like you." He said.

"I'll show you power." I grabbed him with my other hand and set his stupid suit on fire. He pulled away putting out the fire, but I sent more fire his way.

"Are you angry I tortured you and scared that pretty little body of yours?" He said. He was just making me angrier. I had already put these babies in harm's way fighting my sister, I knew I couldn't do it again. A loud growl went through the air getting our attention. "Times up." He said. Kennedy's wolf was big and white as snow, she was beautiful. Her eyes were red instead of yellow, and I couldn't see my best friend anymore. She was hidden behind the monster he had created. She broke out of the chains holding her back and ran towards the bleeding humans ripping them apart.

"You turned her into a bloodthirsty monster." I said.

"I only unlocked what was trapped inside. Her mother created the monster when she locked it away for years." He said. She killed all of them, but the hunger in her eyes didn't stop.

"And what, you're the father of the year because you undid the magic? You're nothing but a sadistic asshole who only cares about himself."

"What can I say, enforcing pain on others gives me joy." He grabbed me again pulling me towards his body and bit into my neck. I screamed in pain, trying to get him to let me go. He let me go and I fell to the floor holding my bleeding neck. "I think that the biggest lesson I could teach my daughter would be that you can't have everything, and some things you need to destroy." He said. Kennedy's wolf came towards us with hunger in its eyes. My wound hasn't healed yet and I could tell she smelled the blood. She knocked me down and was on top of me growling. I knew that she was in kill mode and any movement would mean instant death. She kept snarling at me and got closer to my neck but she was hesitating to drink from me. When she was attacking everyone else there was no remorse there, but there was a hit of humanity in her eyes.

"I know you don't want to do this Kennedy. Come back to us. Come back to your babies and come back to me. You're not a monster." I said trying to appeal to her human side. She snarled at me. "You've just been through alot of things and he made you do something you didn't want to do. He turned you into a monster, but you don't have to be one. Please, come back, we need you, your babies need their mother, and I need my best friend back. It may not seem like it, but I need you. Please come back to us." I could tell I really got to her, her red eyes turned golden, and her expression softer. She got off of me and stood beside me. Sitting next to her in wolf form I looked small. She was one giant wolf. She placed her head onto my forehead and closer her eyes.

"Love you too." I said. Your moment was short lived, Julian unhappy with the turn of events grabbed Kennedy's wolf, broke her back and threw her, making her hit a tree. She fell down and whimpered in pain.

"I'm disappointed in you dear daughter. I worked very hard to make you great and you give it all away for a stupid little witch liker her!" he said kicking me in the stomach. I cried out in pain and feared for the babies. He went to do it again, but this time another wolf knocked him down before he could. This one was bigger than Kennedy, and radiated power. His fur was black as night and he looked pissed off. I could tell who it was right away. It was Jonah. He was attacking Julian like he had a purpose and I could tell he wanted nothing more than to kill him. I ran towards Kennedy , she was laying there in pain. The impact gave her a deep cut in her side. Her white fur being colored red by the blood.

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