Chapter 18

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I looked at Julian with wide eyes. How could he be my father, he was a vampire and I was human. He looked at me in amusement, he was waiting for this moment. "I guess you want an explanation?"

"How can you be my father? I'm human, and you're a vampire, I'm pretty sure vampires can't reproduce, they're dead." I said.

"You really are sheltered when it comes down to the supernatural community now aren't you? I guess living with only witches for so long you wouldn't know much. You obviously know about witches and wolves, and I'm guessing a little about vampires. But there is so much more to the supernatural community. You have a hybrid of a lot of different creatures, and also the occasional tribe here and there. Yes, there are regular vampires out there, but you should know there is an entire hierarchy when it comes down to us vampires.

" You have the turns, which are the vampires you know, the hybrids which are vampires created from werewolves, and the top of the food chain, the purebreds. We are the first-ever vampires to be made, over the years we learned to procreate and make more of us, we are born human and eventually stop aging once we come of age. We are the only vampires who can create hybrids either through birth or killing wolves with vampire blood in their systems. We purebreds are the strongest, the oldest, and overall the best."

"So then why aren't I a vampire right now?" I asked.

"That would have a lot to do with your mother. She spelled you when you were a baby so you couldn't turn when you were old enough. She also did it to your wolf side. He's on his side."

"I thought you said I wasn't a wolf."

"You're not, but you were going to be. You see you darling, a very special one when you were born, you had your wolf eyes, which was abnormal considering your whole family lineage was nothing but witches for centuries. You were showing traits of your wolf heritage and that scared your mother so she blinded it, then she figured out my little secret and knew you would become a purebred vampire so she blinded that also only making you a witch, but you see, blocking off two important parts of you made your witch side stronger, a little too strong might I add. Your body was supposed to regulate all the magic in your body between the three species you are, but instead, because the other two were blocked, your magic became unstable, which is why you flare-up. Just like your mother, you have the power to create fire, but since your magic is out of balance it backfired and made it so your whole body created fire and so you started to flare."

"So what am I?" I asked
"You darling are something really rare, you're a tribrid. They are supernatural beings born of three different bloodlines. Vampire, witch, and werewolf. But you see the only creatures to create tribrids are  purebreds." You already have to be a vampire to pass on the gene, just find yourself a werewolf witch hybrid and there you go. The only downside is that sometimes the child is born a hybrid instead. It just depends on how strong the genes are." he explained.

"So you intentionally created me," I said.

"Of course not, I never planned on having children, all I want is power. When you have children people use them against you. Which is why I tried to have you and your mother killed before you were born, but your mother was a smart witch who knew how to sneak away. I did find her and you, by then you had grown. And your mother had locked away your vampire side. I watched you every day as you went to school, then came home. As you played with your little friends and as you smiled and laughed. We even met, but you don't remember I took that memory away from you along with many others. Your mother and I had a chat and she told me what she had done, she said she wanted to make you normal so she could love you, but in the end, she just ended up hating you." He said.

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