Chapter 19

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For weeks now, Jonah and I have been locked away here. Every day was the same Kennedy would come in and torture us pushing her further off the edge. After each time Julian would give her her sanity back and force her to feel all the pain. He even made her feel all the pain as she was cutting into us and creating as many scars as she possibly could. He was a monster. Who does this to their own daughter. He enjoyed seeing us in pain and

Watching as she was the one to do it. I've never wanted someone dead in my life.

As usual, they came in, but this time Kennedy wasn't the one doing the torturing. Julian took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

"What didn't want to get blood all over your expensive suit?" I sneered.

"You're bold I'll give you that. Let's see how bold you are once your blood is pouring on the floor." He said. He came up to me with the demon blade and started making cuts. I didn't bother screaming. I took the pain. "I see your quiet today. How about we change that?" He took a syringe and plunged it into my neck. The second the contents hit my bloodstream my body was on fire. I tried to keep quiet but I couldn't. I scream in pain. It hurt so much.

"Leave her alone!" Jonah yelled.

"Don't worry, I have some left for you also." Kennedy injected him with the same serum. He yelled in pain.

"Please stop this. I'll do whatever you want. Just let them go." Kennedy pleaded with him. He clearly hadn't mind warped her today. Which means she injected Jonah on her own free will.

"I can't do that darling, if I do there is no telling what they would do to get you back."

"I'll make sure they don't ever find us, please!" She yelled. He walked up to her and slapped her across the face.

"No daughter of mine will beg. Have I taught you nothing? Do I need to kill them to make you understand that they will never leave this place? You may be my daughter, and you may be with child, but don't underestimate me, I will not hesitate to hang you up and hurt you as I do them." he said.

"Then do it!" She yelled. "I'm not afraid anymore, I'd rather die here now and then watch you use me to hurt two people I care about. So go ahead father, kill me," she said. He grabbed her and chained her to the wall, he injected her with the same sum as he did us. She yelled in pain. He left the room. She clutched to her stomach. Whatever that serum is it was also hurting the babies. He knew it would.

"Kennedy look at me," Jonah said. "Just breathe, the wolf DNA in the baby's blood will burn out the venom soon. I know it hurts but you have to be strong. They can feel how scared you are." he said.

"It hurts so much. I can't." She replied.

"You can just breathe. Just keep listening to my voice." He reassured her.

"Okay." She said. I could feel myself going unconscious from the venom. My body couldn't take it anymore.



I don't remember when I fell asleep while I was locked up, but when I woke up I was in my room. I guess Julian took me out while I was asleep. I could feel my magic slowly coming back. I figured out a while ago that the baby has a little magic and has been slowly giving it to me. I couldn't let Julian know though. I had a plan, but I had to go through it slowly. He stopped controlling me under the condition I did as he said or he would kill my babies. I had to keep them safe. I needed enough magic to open a portal for Jonah and Willa to get out. I just needed Julian out of the way. The door opened and he came in.

"Good, you're awake. Now we have a problem to settle. You darling cannot undermine me ever again. As I said before I won't hesitate to rip those babies out of your womb and make you watch as I burn them. I gave you your free will, understand I can take it away whenever I want. Now, we have a lot to do today. Grab a coat and shoes and join me downstairs in five minutes." he said. I threw a pillow at his back as he walked away. He shook it off and laughed.

I didn't know where we were headed, but I knew it was obviously nowhere good. This was the first time he has taken me out of the house. I'm guessing he didn't trust me to be alone. The drive was long and it seemed like we passed an endless amount of trees before buildings came into view.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We are going back to the coven, they will help unlock your two sides. Don't you want to know what it is like to be a full tribe?" I could feel something hidden behind those words.

"Quite frankly no, I don't want to be anything more than what I am, but if it means having more power than you I'll gladly become a tribrid."

"Do You really think I would be unlocking these two sides of you just so you can beat me? Darling, I'm a hundred years old, tribrids are no match for me. Besides, I'm not doing it for you. Once you are a full tribe, you will be of full use to me." He said.

"If I'm a tribrid, doesn't that also make my children the same?"

"Indeed it does. Except your children are predominantly wolf since that is the dominant species. Since both you and the father are of wolf decent the babies take on that trait. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't tribrid. One of them could be a wolf vampire hybrid while the other witch wolf hybrid. You never really know when it comes down to it. It's the same for hybrid children. They either take on one of both of their parents' traits. Only time will tell with yours." he explained.

"What makes me so special to you? What about me is special? It's clear you intend to use me as a weapon of some sort, I just want to know why." I asked him.

"Remember how I told you that you are the only one in your entire bloodline to have an active werewolf gene? Well, let's just say the type of wolf you come from is very rare and has long been extinct. You come from a bloodline of the deadliest wolves there are. These wolves had the worst venom there is, it could kill vampires and wolves with one bite. They were feared by many highly respected by the wolf community. I've come across them once, lucky enough to get a hold of one and I took all of his venom before killing him. I used it to kill my enemies and it's what gave me the power I have today. But over time they started breeding and the DNA Changed, the venom wasn't the same. Sure now a wolf can kill a vampire with venom, but it isn't as powerful as it used to be. It kills slower. So to answer your question, yes you are a weapon, the one that is going to help me kill all my enemies and make them all fear me." he said.

"I'd rather be dead," I said. I quickly opened the car door and jumped out rolling onto the road. I made sure to wrap my arms around my belly to protect the babies. Every nerve in my body hurt from the jump. I got up and ran into the woods, I could feel my body ready to give up, I just needed to keep running. My legs were in pain, and my body hurt, I knew I couldn't go any further. I fell to the floor, watching as the world around me spun. Then I saw his face.

"Did you really think that would work." These were the last things I heard before it all went dark.

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