Chapter 13

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I walked off after my argument with Kennedy. I guess she had a lot of things on her mind that she kept bottled up until now. I just hated how she made me the bad guy in her life. She had every chance to so no to any of the decisions I made, but she never did and now she blames me. I sat outside and watched as all the witches moved around with happy smiles and energy like no other. I remember being a part of a coven and feeling that way. Too bad it didn't last long.

"Are you alright?"Stefan asked as he sat next to me on the bench.

"Shouldn't you be with Kennedy?" I asked him.

"I get the feeling you are in more need of guidance. Besides, Kennedy has Jonah. I get the feeling those two need to talk." I gave a small smile.

"Yeah, they do. If they keep their emotions bottled up for too long, they will explode and as you just saw no one will come out happy in the end." I said.

"Let me ask you this? Are you angry about what Kennedy said? Or are you angry because it might be true?" I turned to him.

"Both. If she had told me sooner that I was basically dragging her along in life without a choice I would have stopped and asked what would make her happy."

"You're a mind reader correct?" I nodded, "Why is it you never sensed her thoughts about the things you made her do?" I thought over his question.

"I can't read her mind. Trust me I've tried, but something blocks me from it."

"I think you block yourself." I raised my eyebrow to him.

"What are you talking about, old man?" He chuckled.

"I mean, I think that you're afraid that what she had to say won't be what you want to hear, so you blocked yourself from being able to read her thoughts. I think you my dear have a problem here," He pointed to my heart, " and it is affecting your abilities here." He pointed to my head.

"So what, you're saying I have to open up my heart in order to read people's thoughts? I can do it just fine." I defend.

"I'm not telling you that you can't, I'm saying that when it comes to the people you love and trust, you close yourself up and block yourself, so you don't get hurt with the thoughts they may have of you. Something in your past is holding you back, once you let it go, you will find that your abilities are stronger than you may think." He said.

"Okay old man, you may have a point." I smiled.

"Do I really look that old?" He said.

"No, but your wisdom and way with words basically make you older than you look. So are there any books on telepaths and stuff?" I asked

"Would you like to look through my collection? I have tons of books about telepaths, and the power they possess."
"Okay old man, show me to the books." He got up and extended his hand, I took it and we headed back into his weird library.


"Don't you think you were a little too harsh on her?" Jonah said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Coming from the guy who is the CEO of being harsh to people for unknown reasons," I said.

"Okay, I get your point. Look, I'm sorry I've been an asshole, I'm not good at letting new people into my life." He said.

"I get it, you look at the world with caution. It's your main character trait. Don't worry, I've come to realize that trying to get people to like you is not worth the effort." I said.

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